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Are you guys sad? Only 3 chapter after this one... 

Niall woke me a few hours later. I rolled onto my back and looked up at him. He brushed back the hair on my forehead and smiled.

"I've got to get home. My mom called and I have to help with some stuff. Apparently we are having Christmas this year." I nodded. "You owe me food then."

"Okay." I smiled.

Niall got out of my bed and pulled on his jeans. I got up to walk him to the door. As he put his shoes on, I grabbed his coat from the closet.

I helped him put it on. "I'll call you tonight." He said as he turned to me. "I love you."

I kissed him. "I love you too."

He waved goodbye and I closed the door.


(Niall's POV)

Yesterday was a horrible Christmas Eve. I hated spending the day with my father. He was trying to gain back whatever it was that was lost between us when my parents divorced but honestly we didn't have much of a relationship before. I did like seeing that side of my family but it was always awkward because I'm not like them. The are stuck up and really competitive when it comes to jobs and schooling. I'm just trying to get through school.

I did accidentally join in on the relationship competition between my cousins. They were all bragging about how successful their significant others were and I couldn't stand it anymore.

"My girlfriend is a model." I blurted out and I immediately regretted it.

"She's a what?" My cousin Michael asked.

"A model." I looked down at my hands that were playing with the stem of my champagne glass.

"You're a liar." Another cousin Kevin argued.

"I'm not but I don't give a shit if you don't believe me." I stood up from the table and hugged my grandmother and aunts. "Dinner was amazing and thank you so much for the gifts. Love you all but I've got to get home." I shook my dad's hand and left.

I couldn't sit there any longer trying to prove that I wasn't some messed up kid. There's nothing wrong with me. So I don't really know what I'm going to school for and I kind of didn't realize how important studying was in college. I still passed my classes. Barely. I still have my girlfriend. Surprisingly. And I still am a good guy. Except that one time.

I'm always going to feel guilty about hurting Opal. There's no doubt in my mind that I should have told her when it happened instead of her finding out the way she did. Shit I shouldn't have even went to the party. I should have studied for the exam I had the week after.

I don't go to parties at school now but that doesn't change anything. I'm more than surprise that Opal took me back so easily but I'm so happy she did. I love the girl. She's the only thing in my life right now that I'm sure about. I'm sure I love her and I'm sure she loves me. Last week when she came home I finally felt like we were back to where we were. It felt nice being with her.

Yesterday she was with her mom at her mom's boyfriend's house with his family. She was telling me about how nice everyone was and how weird it was to be with someone else's family on Christmas Eve when normally she spent it with her mom for a bit before she would have to work. I felt sorry for Opal that she had to spend so many holidays pretending they didn't even exist.

I talked her into coming over today just because she told me her mom got engaged and I knew she was in a good mood. Thankfully, she didn't even fight me. She agreed right away. I felt amazing. I felt like she was finally over what I had done. I felt like she was back to wanting a future with me.

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