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I suck at updating! Sowwie! My friend is making me feel guilty so I'm doing a double update :)


When I called Vera she wasn't as hesitant as I thought she might have been. She was actually excited. She said she hasn't had a date with anyone since her freshman year and she missed them. She didn't mind that Niall and I would be going too.

I called Harry after and he tried to back out but I told him how much she was looking forward to meeting him. I also guilted him into it by saying it would really help her open up more. I also maybe told him she was hot. I’m not lying but I thought I’d mention it.

We were only going to dinner and possibly bowling and or the movies.

We picked up Harry up and he looked nervous.

"You smell good." I smiled, turning in my seat.

"Thanks." He buckled. "I hope I don't mess up."

"You won't."

We drove to Vera's and pulled up to her apartment building. I went and buzzed for her. She came down and looked so cute. Harry and Niall were standing by the car.

"That Harry?" She whispered to me. "I've had a small crush on him since my first day." She blushed.


We reached them and Harry gave her a hug, introducing himself. He opened the door for her and she slid in. Once we were all in the car we were off to the restaurant. It was just a burger place so nothing fancy.

While we were sitting Harry got my attention and looked at me from across the table, mouthing a 'thank you' so I smiled back. I grabbed Niall's hand under the table and scooted closer to him in the booth. Vera moved closer to Harry but only I noticed.

We talked and ate. I made Harry and Vera get to know each other better by asking questions until they were in their own world. I could tell Harry was starting to be his flirty self again. Instead of going somewhere after, Harry and Vera decided to go on their own. We told them to have fun as we dropped them off to get Harry's car.

"Do you want to go see a movie?" Niall asked once we pulled away.

I smiled. "I'd love that."

We got to the theater and Niall opened my door for me after telling me to wait. We walk hand in hand through the door and to the ticket booth. We picked a movie and Niall bought the tickets.

"Popcorn?" He grinned.

"We must."

He bought popcorn and a soda. The women ripped our ticket stub and directed us where to go. Niall and I climbed the stairs to the top and found the center seats.

The room got more filled and I watched as more people came in. Soon I noticed Harry and Vera walked in and sit a few rows in front of us. I nudged Niall and pointed.

I'm a match maker. I watched close as they talked before previews started and he grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers. I awed to myself and sat back into my seat. Niall slung his arm over my shoulders.

"It's been forever since I've been to the movies."

"This movie better be good then." He kissed my cheek as the lights went out.

Throughout the whole movie I tried it get comfortable in the seat. I guess as a kid I was more tolerable of them. I just settled with leaning into Niall and crossing my legs. At one point Niall was bored so he started kissing my neck and rubbing his hand up and down my thigh. I tried not to laugh as I stopped his hand.

"Niall, behave." I whispered in his ear.

"I'm bored." He whined.

"Watch the movie." I pointed at the screen.

"No. Cmon." He leaned closer. "Harry is making out with Vera."

I looked down at them and my jaw dropped. "There are people around."

"They don't care. Come on just a kiss." He pouted.

I rolled my eyes and pecked his lips. "That's all you get. Now watch the movie."

He faked a cry but did what I said. To make him happy I took his hand and placed it in my leg. I rested my head on his shoulder. The movie finished and I didn't want to move. We waited for everyone to leave before getting up ourselves. Harry and Vera were still sucking on each other's faces. Niall and I were going down the steps, when he let go of my hand and ran to smack Harry's head. He ran back to me, grabbing my hand, laughing.

"Get a room!" Niall yelled, before we turned to go out of the theater.

We stopped just as soon as we got outside to catch our breaths. I laughed into his chest and we started for the car.

"Where to now?" He asked starting the car.

"The lake."

"It's cold though."

"Don't be a baby. C'mon!" I pouted grabbing onto his arm.

"Fine." He sighed.

We drove to the lake and as soon as I got out I went to the trunk and opened it.

"What are you doing?" He asked, locking the doors.

"Getting the blankets I put in here while you were in the shower." I grinned, taking them out.

"You planned this? You are so sneaky." He laughed, following behind me.

He smacked my butt as I was laying out one blanket. I left the others on the ground and pulled him against me. My hands crept under his shirt and around his waist.

"What are you doing?"

"Making tonight special." I bit my lip and kissed his jaw.

"Are you serious? Don't you want to be in a bed? Won't that be more comfortable?"

"Let's face it; this won't be comfortable for me at all so it doesn't matter. Plus, this is more romantic and it's too cold for anyone to come around." I shrugged, letting go of him. "If you don't want to..." I picked up the other blankets. "...we can go home and I can go to bed."

"No no no." He took the blankets from me. "If you're ready let's do this." He grinned.

Before I changed my mind I quickly grabbed onto his belt and undid it. I then unbutton and unzipped his jeans. They fell to the ground and he step out of them. He helped me do the same with my jeans and he yanked his shirt over his head. He pulled my shirt up and grinned because he finally is seeing me in my special bra and panties.

I sat down on the blanket and he kneeled down in front of me. He took another blanket and pulled it up over his shoulders before her hovered over me.

"You're sure?" He whispered in a raspy voice as a hand ran up my stomach.

"Yes." I replied confidently, leaning up and attaching our lips.


Remember to send feedback! 

-Em xx

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