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Edit on side is mine :)

I'm so sorry I'm a few days late... Be sure to check out the next part to my smutty Niall one shot series "Perks" :)

Today was incredible. Christmas Eve was incredible as well.

Looks like I'll be getting a father figure after all. My mom is now engaged to her boyfriend. He asked in front of his whole family at dinner time. He asked me when we had a second alone if it was okay. I wasn't going to say no and get in the way of my mom's happiness. They only been going out a couple months but they love each other I can tell and hell they aren't getting any younger.

Today, I decided to bring that key to give to Niall since I knew he would get me something. I wasn't expecting that ring though. I was shocked when I saw it. I couldn't believe he got it pasted me. I didn't even bother to look at the opal during all my moving. I just felt it in the bag and assumed it was okay.

Niall and I went back downstairs for dessert and I flashed his mom my ring that I placed on my right hand ring finger. She told me he was nervous to give it to me and that she was so impressed her little boy thought of such a beautiful and lovely gift. As Niall played with his little cousins, his aunts talked to me about my job and about New York. They didn't seem to care that I wasn't going to school.

One aunt mentioned to Maura about what Niall was going to school for and I stopped listening to the conversation near me to listen. Honestly, I had no idea what he was going to do after schooling. He always changed the subject when I would nonchalantly ask.

"Niall has been undecided." Maura informed. "He better think of something quick if he ever wants a future as successful as his fathers or mine for that matter." I tried to looked like I wasn't listening, Maura leaned in to whisper. "Opal doesn't need to carry him if they get married."

I immediately left the kitchen. I couldn't listen to that. Niall wasn't going to need me to support himself. I know it. Even if he did need me I'd help, but he wouldn't need me I just know it.

I couldn't think about the fact that Niall wasn't doing well with school anymore because it broke my heart. One because Niall never talked to me about his school problems and two because I wanted nothing more than for him to be successful.

I distracted those thoughts by going into the living room and leaning against the door frame. I watched as Niall carted around his younger cousins on his back as he crawled around the room, making them giggle and beg for their turns. I smiled and subconsciously played with my ring.

One little boy left the group and walked over to me. "You're pretty." I smiled as he pulled on my hand.

He tired to pull me down on floor but with my dress I had to slowly kneel down. I wasn't sure of his name because Niall had so many relatives it was hard to keep up.

"Woah Adam are you stealing my girlfriend?" Niall pouted and watched as the boy, I now know as Adam, sat on my lap to play with his new toys.

Since Adam just ignored Niall and continued to play, Niall looked at me and smiled brightly. He crawled to me and leaned over Adam's head and pecked my lips.

"Ewwww" a few kids grimaced.

Niall laughed and I blushed. "Ah grow up!" Niall joked at the kids.

After the kids started to calm down from the sugar and excitement they started to become drowsy and tired. More and more relatives were leaving and the house's volume decreased extremely. I called my mom and she said it was okay just to stay the night since it was getting late. As I was saying my goodbye to her and hung up, Niall wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and hugged me to his chest, smelling my hair. I giggled and turned in his arms, kissing his nose.

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