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Hey the chapter number goes with my age! Lol I didn't edit this. I will eventually sorry!  Enjoy! :)


I signed up for the talent show last week. I have two weeks to practice and Sara said she'd let me practice at her house. She said she was going to make sure Niall knew nothing about what song I was singing. I'm even having Zayn be a part of it. He told me he was going to maybe enter but I convinced him to enter with me.

I told him what song I was singing and he said he had something in mind. So this week on Thursday and some of Friday after school we are going to practice. And then do it again next week and then preform the following Thursday.

I was nervous. I've never sang in front of a crowd before, I felt better knowing I'd have Zayn on stage with me.

Another week passed and I had to somehow get Niall off my back somewhat so I told him who songs the song I'm singing. The Script. He got all giddy because they are one of his favorites.

Another week and Zayn and I have it pretty perfect. I'm still scared but I take that to be natural. Zayn said he will practice at home and I said I'd try to.

We had rehearsals on the Wednesday before so I had to take off work. We got to practice a few times there and then walked through the entire show so we knew what was going on.

Thursday morning I was just about to throw up my breakfast as soon as I took one bite. Niall wasn't much of a fan of my nervous state. At school I was anxious and not wanting to be there. Everybody was talking about it and it made it worse. After school I went straight to Sara's. Niall begged to come with but I had to get ready and Sara bought me a dress as good luck gift.

She forced me to eat something because Niall texted her to. I practiced one last time and put on the dress.

"Holy shit, Sara." I said, walking out if her bathroom.

"What? You look hot!" She squealed.

The dress was a bit revealing in the boob area and it rested short above my knees. It was light blue with royal blue lining the bottom of the skirt and around my waist, where it stopped being tight. It was spaghetti strapped and that made me freak a little. I was used to sleeves. I pulled it up to cover my boobs and sat down in her desk chair.

She curled my hair and did my make-up. It was more than I normally wear but it looked good. The first thing I thought about was if Niall would like it. I was nervous he wouldn't like the way I looked or my song. I was confident for Zayn but not for myself.

"Let's get going!" Sara clapped her hands as she finished getting ready herself.

I groaned and followed her to her car. I was wearing a pair of ballet slippers Sara owns. I jumped into the car and took a deep breath.

We pulled up to the school and she ran me inside. I was glad she was here with me. The best person to be here with me would be Niall but Sara was the perfect compromise. I wanted it to be a surprise for Niall since he talked me into this. He better appreciate this.

We walked backstage and I found Zayn with all his supplies. He was dressed nicely in his dark jeans and dark grey button-up.

"You ready?" He asked folding up his sleeves.

"I'll have to be." I sighed.

"You'll be great, Opal!" Sara hugged me. "Zayn and I both know you're an amazing singer."

"Exactly, and I'll be up there too. If they don't like you, they're fucking crazy."

I nodded. "Is Niall here yet? Did they bring my mom?"

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