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Finished all my homework early so I’m updating :) I’m really nervous about where this story is going. Whether you guys will like it or not…


I had gotten a call from Trish about a month since I modeled for her. She said a modeling scout had called her with an interest in me. She had called me first to see if it was okay to give the scout my number.

I was more than interested to hear what the scout had to say. I told Niall and he wasn’t all too thrilled. He said models were too sickly looking and he didn’t want me to end up hurting myself. I told him I just wanted to check it out. This could be a big thing for me.

I had a lunch meeting with the scout, Amy. We discussed the photos I had taken and about how I was a natural. I wasn’t sure how much of what she was telling me was true or not but I was intrigued still. She has convinced me to take some head shots for a portfolio to show potential clients if I were to take up her offer at the modeling agency she worked with.

I went and got professional photos taken and she helped me pick the best ones. I had a meeting with the agency next week to discuss a job.

My mom was supportive and she wanted to be at the meeting as well so she took off work. Niall on the other hand was upset about this.

"I thought you were going to go to college, Opal? Not become some bimbo." He yelled as I stalked down to the basement after school on Friday.

"I won’t be a bimbo! Niall I can be a model!" I yelled back as he followed me. "Don’t you see how that’s exciting for me?"

"No I don’t want you to be sucked into that world!"

"You yourself said I’m beautiful. Why not let me embrace it and make some money. It’s not like I’m prostituting myself. I’m just taking pictures." I fought back.

"You are beautiful but you’re mine." He pouted, with a raised voice.

"I’m not property." I pushed his chest. "I’m doing this whether you like it or not."

"What about being close to each other?" He quieted. "I thought we were only going to be thirty minutes from each other." He sat on the couch. "I don’t want you hours away in New York, going to school to study design. I want you by me."

"I don’t want to be that far away either but they’re paying for all of it." I sat beside him. "I can be paid and go to school for free."

He leaned his head on my shoulder. “I guess if you really want to do this, I should be happy for you.”

I brushed my fingers through the hair on the back if his head. “Please. It would mean everything for you to support me.”

"I’ll try my best." He lifted his head and hugged me tight. "I guess it wouldn’t be too bad having a model for a girlfriend."

"I owe you for turning my life around." I kissed him, pushing him back.

"If you insist." He laughed against my mouth.

I straddled his lap. “Take me.” He joked spreading his arms. “I’m ready.”

I laughed and took his hands, running them up my sides and under my shirt. I let go of his hands to let him roam around himself.

"This time next week you could be going to prom with a model." I kissed below his ear.

He moaned. “Can’t wait.” I started to unbuckle his belt but he stopped me. “Shit, I’m out of condoms.”

I sighed and drop my head onto his shoulder. “Looks like we’ll have to take a rain check.”

"You don’t have to get off me though." He grabbed my waist. "Just no teasing because that’s not fair."

I nodded and cuddled my head into the crook of his neck. “I feel like a nap would be a good idea.” I giggled.

"Let’s nap, baby."

He stood up with me wrapped around him and he carried me to my room. He laid me down before pulling the blanket over us, wrapping his arms around me.

I have to take in every single moment I can get with Niall while I’m still here. I’m not sure how long I’ll be here for the summer after graduation. I hoped it would be here for most of it, but I didn’t want to jinx anything.

"Niall." I whispered.


"We’re going to be okay right?" I asked, playing with his fingers between us.

He opened his eyes and looked into mine. “As long as we still love each other, then yes. Babe, we will be just perfect.” He kissed my forehead.


"Promise." He linked my pinky with his. "I love you and I’m here for you. Always."


Remember to send feedback! 

-Em xx

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