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Donna and her friends ran to their car and sped down the street. I felt Liam run past me and Niall was gone too. I felt around my body and turned to see people crowding over someone on the ground. I pushed through them and found Liam holding the girl in his arms.

"Sara, stay with me. The medics are coming. Sara please." He begged.

I dropped to my knees and held onto her hand.

"Sara I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." I cried.

I heard the sirens getting closer and the crowd was pushed away. Niall picked me off the ground and let the paramedics through.

It wasn't long until Niall was holding me watching the ambulance drive away.

"She was looking for Liam when she came up behind us. She didn't know what was happening."

I turned and buried my face in his chest. The party cleared out and Niall and I walked back to his house to get his car. We drove to the hospital and met up with Liam and some of our other friends. I ran up to Liam and hugged him tight.

"I'm so sorry Liam. Is she okay?"

"Yeah she'll be okay. The bullet hit her shoulder so she'll just be in a sling for a while." He gulped. "I'm thankful it wasn't worse."

"Is she resting?" He nodded.

"She said to have you go in there when you got here though."

I took a deep breath and nodded. I pushed the door opened and saw her lying in the bed with a bandage around her shoulder.

"Sara?" I chocked.

She turned her head a weakly smiled at me. "Opal."

"How are you?" I sat down in the chair next to her bed.

"I'm alright." She shrugged but winced forgetting about her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry this happened." I took her hand.

"Don't be. You didn't know and I didn't know. I was only looking for Liam." She squeezed my hand.

"But it was Donna. You won't have even been in danger if it weren't for me." I cried.

"Don't blame yourself and I'm fine! Just some healing time and physical therapy, I'll be all better."

I rested my head on her lap. "You're my best friend, Sara."

"You're mine too, Opal."

I looked up and she was smiling at me. I couldn't believe that at a time like this she was still all smiles. I'm pissed and sad and I don't get why she isn't.

"I'm going to let you rest. If you need anything call me." She nodded.

"Bye Opal. Don't be sad anymore." I nodded back.

I walked out into the hall. "She's going to rest."

Liam went into the room and stayed with her. Sara's parents were coming home from a trip so they would be here soon. Everyone else went home. Niall and I sat in the waiting room. I was falling asleep on his shoulder.

"Opal, we should go home. You must be exhausted, babe." I nodded.

He helped me up and we said bye to Liam. We got to Niall's car and I sunk into the seat, resting my head on the window.

"It should have been me." I mumbled.

Niall grabbed my hand. "Don't be guilty. It isn't your fault that that Donna chick is crazy. We talked to the police. They'll find her and her friends."

"Am I safe?" I asked looking at him.

"With me, you will always be safe." He parked the car and leaned over to kiss my cheek.

I got out of the car and started up the front path. Niall jogged up and opened the door for me. We quietly came inside and I plopped down in the living room couch. Niall took off his jacket and sat next to me. I curled up next to him pulling my knees up and putting my head on his chest. He took the blanket that was on the back of the couch and draped it over us.

"I love you, Opal. I'm so sorry you ever had to deal with those people. I knew they were dangerous but not that dangerous." He kissed the top of my head.

"They're the ones who gave me those bruised ribs, remember that?"

"Yeah I remember." He sighed. "I'm so glad you're out of there. I could have lost you."

I looked up at him and the light from the foyer shown he was crying.

"I'm here, Niall."

I wiped away some of his tears with my thumb and hugged my arms around his neck. He bowed his head and rested his forehead on mine. I kissed his nose and we both adjusted ourselves so Niall could rest his head back against the couch and I returned to my first position. We fell asleep like that not long after. We were both drained, mentally and physically.

I was shaken awake by my mom. Niall was still fast asleep underneath me.

"Honey, Niall's mom called me earlier and told me about Sara. You two should go to bed." She brushed my cheek.

"We're okay here." I rested my head back in Niall.

"Go upstairs and sleep in a proper bed, Opal. I don't care." She let out a quiet laugh. "I'm off to work. Get some rest today. You've been really stressed lately." She kissed my cheek.

She left and I woke up Niall. "Baby, let's go to your bed."

I stood up and pulled on his hand. We both dragged ourselves up the steps and to his room. It was only quarter to five in the morning. Niall just simply stepped out of his jeans and got into bed. I took off his jacket, my plaid shirt, and my jeans. I replaced my jeans with a pair if Niall's sweats and put his jacket back on because it was cozy. I crawled into bed and curled up next to Niall. He was lying on his stomach with his head resting on his arms. I pulled on his elbow so he would wrap his arm around my shoulders. My nose brushed his cheek and I pulled his comforter over us.

I didn't want to be away from him all day. We slept until noon and laid in bed until three. Sara called and said she was home so we went over to her house to watch a few movies with her and Liam.

Overall it was a much needed relaxing day.


Remember to send feedback! Again, sorry for taking so long to update. I started my classes and I want the semester to be over.

-Em xx

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