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I woke up and went to school on Thursday. I was only looking forward to being able to go home right after school and having the whole day to myself.

I got stuck by my last period teacher and I still had to run to my locker to get my homework. I ran out of the school and realized I missed the bus. I groaned and let out a long sigh. I bent down and tightened my shoe laces. I was pushed to my knees onto the concrete as someone passed by me, laughing. I scrapped knees through the holes of my worn out jeans. I stood up and brushed myself off. I started my walk home and tried to take streets I knew no one lived on, weaving in and out of blocks. It took me longer than it really should have taken but I really didn’t want to get the shit beat out me.

I spoke to soon though. As I turned a corner just two blocks from home, I was jumped on and tackled to the grass of someone’s front yard. I screamed, but my mouth was muffled by someone’s had.

“Trying to hide, hmm?” The girl on top of me with blonde hair barked at me.

“N-no. I j-just want to get home.” I stuttered.

“C’mon Opal, grow a pair. Fight back.” She pushed my shoulders into the ground. “Don’t be a little bitch.”

Her friends above us form a circle, chanting her name as she repeatedly punched me across the face. I pushed her off and kick my way out of her grasp. I ran as fast as I could from them and into my apartment building. I locked the door to my apartment and slide down to the floor.

I cried. I cried for the first time in forever. I cried so hard my eyes burned and my throat became hoarse.


Shit. I wiped my eyes and stood up.

“Opal?” my mom came out of her room. “Oh my god! Opal! What happened?” she ran to me and I collapsed in her arms. “Shhh” she ran her fingers through my hair and down my back then repeated it.

“Why does everyone hate me, mom?” I whaled, sobbing into her chest.

“Who hates you? Sweetheart what happened?" She looked and me and ran her thumb over a cut on my cheek, making me suck in air.

“Some girls from school beat me up on the way home.” I looked down at my feet.

“What? Why?” she pulled me to the bathroom and sat me on the toilet.

“I don’t know. They all hate me for no reason! I haven’t done anything to them. Everyone at school beats on me. Mom, I thought I could handle but I can’t. I can’t anymore.”

She took a wet wash cloth, wiping the blood from my face and lip. “Does this happen a lot?”

“Almost every day.”

“Opal.” She sighed. “I’m so sorry.”

“Can I leave that school? I can transfer to Oakton (a/n: made up). Niall goes there, he can protect me.” I begged.

“Opal, that’s so far from here. You’ll have to take the bus every morning. I need to stay by the hospital.”

“We can move.” I suggested, pulling on her hand.

“We don’t have the money to pay for anything around there, Opal.” She sat on the edge of the tub. “We can’t even afford this place.”

“What do you mean?”

“We’re getting evicted, O.” she cried.

“What? No! We can’t. Mom, take money from my college fund. We need somewhere to live.”

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