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Second update! :) Enjoy


My heart started to thump out of my chest and my hands started to shake. My mind was racing and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Opal! Calm down!" Niall unbuckled his seat belt and then mine. "Shit Opal you're scaring me. C'mon breathe! Please!" He was panicking too.

I felt him pull me out of my seat and into his arms. His lips quivered as he left kisses on my forehead. My crying was starting to decrease and my breathing was steadying. My whole body shook as I started calming down.

"Baby everything is going to be okay. Don’t be so scared." He whispered against my skin.

I nodded and hugged him. "I'm sorry, I can't do this. I can't."

"Yes you can."

A few minutes passed and Niall had convinced me I would be fine. I sat back in my seat and Niall started the car. Only five minutes passed until we were in the school's parking lot. We walked to the office where they gave me my schedule and Niall requested a locker close to his. They printed out a map of the school for me and let us go.

"Let's go find your locker. It should be very close to mine." He took my hand and led me down the hall.

This school was much nicer then my old one. It was so much cleaner and brighter. The lockers were brand new or so it seemed and the walls were painted of the school colors, blue and yellow.

My locker was 2 away from Niall's. I put in my combination and it opened easily. I don't have anything to put inside yet but now I know I can open it. I closed it again and watched Niall as he grabbed his books for the classes before lunch. I looked inside his locker and saw one of the pictures we took together on his webcam taped to the door. I smiled at it and kissed his cheek. He blushed when he noticed I saw. He shut his locker and kissed me. I pushed him away as I noticed the halls were starting to fill up.

"Let me see your schedule." I handed it to him as he read through it. "I think you have first and fifth with Sara."

"Really?" I grinned. "Thank god."

"Yep and you have an art class with Zayn. That's sixth period." He looked at me. "Don't let him flirt with you."

I laughed. "Don't worry. Anything else?"

"You've got a class with me." He smirked. "Third period right before lunch."

"That's perfect." I smiled and took my schedule from his hands.

Niall and I stood at his locker because he said some of his friends hang out there before the bell. He stood against his locker, with his arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I read through my schedule a gazillion times and matched the classes up on the map. I shouldn't have a problem getting around.

"Opal!" A girl screamed and I looked up to see it was Sara.

She hugged me. "Hi!"

"Finally you're here! Niall told me last weekend and I have been so excited ever since."

Niall was talking to Louis and Liam as Sara read my schedule confirming what Niall told me. I watched as people passed us and some stared at me others passed right by. It was weird not being shoved into the hard metal of a locker or getting the back of my shoes stepped on so I fall to the floor.

The bell rang and Sara kissed Liam saying bye. Niall hooked his arm around me and did the same.

"I love you. Good luck and I'll meet you outside of your second period."

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