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School hasn't been too bad since I've gotten back. We're more than half way done with the semester and I was happy for it to be over soon. I was done with school. I just wanted to start my job.

Niall and I haven't talked at all in the past month and a half. I didn't want to be the first to start a conversation and I guess he didn't want to either. So I assume we won't talk at all. I miss him like crazy. I really really do. I had a feeling that if I were to talk to him, I'd get attached again.

You just don't go back to someone who cheated on you. I can't help but wish we did get back together. Maybe he learned a lesson. Some people have to lose what they've got to realize how much it meant. My biggest fear is to find out he's with someone else and doesn't want me back.

Tonight I'm finally going to try to go out on a date. I took a shower and curled my hair. I put on a new red dress that fits my figure perfectly. I'm wearing heels I just bought when Ruby dragged me out to go shopping so I wasn't sulking around the apartment.

The guy was a dude I met at one of my shoots. He's an assistant photographer, training to be an actual one. He's really handsome and smart. His confidence sort of took me by surprise. I wasn't sure I would like it all that much because it was borderline cocky but he asked me out very sweetly so I said yes. He's taking me to dinner and we'll see where it goes from there.

I felt suddenly nervous when I heard the intercom buzz. I called down to say come on up and went to finish getting ready. Ruby answered the door when he knocked.

"No no no you need to leave!" She shouted and I ran from my room.

"Ruby what's..." I looked towards the door. "Niall."

"Opal I'm so sorry to just barge in like this." He walked past Ruby and closer to me.

"It's a bad time to be here." I took a step back nearly stumbling.

"I needed to see you." He looked down at his feet and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"I uh I." I forgot how to speak.

"She has a date." Ruby said for me, causing Niall to look up at me with sad eyes.

"I'll just go then." He started to turn around.

"No! St-stay here. Wait for me to get back. We need to talk. We're friends remember." He nodded.

"He's not saying here." Ruby said as the intercom buzzed.

"He'll just stay in my room, Ruby." I walked over and called Heath up. "If he does something stupid he's gone."

"Okay." She agreed, going off to her room.

I turned to Niall. "I have a date so you can stay but don't bother Ruby. She's not your biggest fan."

He slowly nodded. "I'm not my biggest fan either."

I wanted to hug him and not let go. I didn't want to go on this date with him here. He may have slept with someone else but I felt bad even going on a date while we are broken up.

I answered the door when Heath knocked and let him in so I could grab my purse. Niall stood there with his arms crossed.

"I'll be back later." I said to him.

"You look beautiful." Heath smiled and I did too.

"Thank you." I shut the door and we left.

"Who was the guy?" He asked once we were in his car.

"Just a friend from high school, visiting." He nodded and continued to drive to the restaurant.

Throughout the whole date I felt uncomfortable. He kept showing off, whether it was telling me he had no problem buying the most expensive thing or talking about how well off he is because his dad's rich. It bothered me how much he threw his money around.

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