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Niall has been even more protective of me now since that whole Whitney thing. Tuesday he was all over me. Not in a loving way. He was still kissing me and hugging me even though I wasn't the biggest fan of PDA at school. He was all over me in a sort of a suffocating way.

I was relieved on Wednesday at work since he doesn't work Wednesdays and Thursday Sara took me to the mall.

"I needed this day away from Niall." I chuckled as we walked out of one store walking into another.

"He means well." She told me.

"I know. I love him for that but he just needs to calm down." I picked up a pair of shorts.

"Niall would love those on you." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh god." I put them back on the rack.

"Opal, are you a...?" She asked quietly and I nodded. "Oh my god! Opal!"


"I'm just surprised that’s all. I mean Niall is so into you and you haven't done it yet? How do you do it?" We both laughed.

"I'm not ready. He's okay with it. I think." I shrugged picking the shorts back up.

"You think?" She scanned a rack of clothes.

"Yeah I mean he tries to go farther than just making out sometimes but he's a boy." I hoped I wasn't wrong.

What if he wanted more and was getting tired of waiting. I'm sure Whitney would give it to him if he snapped his fingers.

"Niall is a good guy, but all guys want sex." Sara said.

"Shhhhh Sara! Oh my god." I covered my blushing face.

"Sorry. Let's buy those shorts and go get you a bikini so you don't have to borrow mine again." She laughed. "We're going to the lake again on Friday."

We bought my shorts and then Sara pulled me into Victoria's Secret for a suit. She had to practically drag me actually.

She picked up several for me to try on so I did. We picked one that was navy blue and gray stripes on the top and navy bottoms. I opened the door to the dressing room and she took the suit from me.

"I'll buy this!" She ran away from me and to the register.

I just looked around at different things and smelled a few fragrances. Sara handed me my bag and smiled. I thanked her and we made our way out of the mall. We went to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings and I ordered wings for Niall.

When Sara dropped me off I put the wings in the fridge and brought my bags downstairs to my room and started to do homework on my bed. I was finishing my math when Niall came in.

"Hey babe." He smiled and crawled on to my bed. "How was shopping?" He squealed in a girly voice.

"Fun." I said laughing at him. "How was work?" I pecked his lips.

"Not good without you." He pouted.

"Awh my poor baby. Give me a kiss I'll make it all better." I puckered my lips and he gladly took up my offer.

"What did you buy?" He grinned looking over at the bags.

"Just some shorts, shirts, the usual things a person shops for when buying clothes." I joked.

"What’s in the Victoria's Secret bag?" He peeked into it.

I slapped his hand. "A bikini for the lake. If we're going with your friends."

"Only if you stop saying they are my friends. They are your friends too now." He grinned.

"Okay. Our friends."

"Better. Now show me some of your clothes. Try them on for me baby." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Niall!" I slapped his shoulder. "No."

"Awh c'mon." He pulled on my hand.

"No shouldn't you do your homework. I bought some chicken wings for you by the way."

He sat up. "You're right I should go do my homework... Or just eat those chicken wings." He kissed me quickly before running up to the kitchen.

I took out my clothes and put them away. I picked up the VS bag and pulled out my bikini, putting it away in my underwear drawer. I picked up the bag to throw it away but something else was inside.

It was a underwear set. I felt a blush creep up onto my cheeks and I read the tiny note pinned to the bra.

"A gift from me to you. And Niall I guess. Need to be prepared. ;) - Sara"

I looked at the matching red lace bra and a pair of "cheeky panties" the gift receipt says. I texted Sara with a sarcastic ‘thank you’ and balled up the bra and underwear. I jumped when Niall hopped into to my doorway.

I quickly threw the bra and panties in my drawer and shut it. "Why so flustered?" He laughed.

"Y-you scared me." He wrapped his arms around me and I put my hands on his chest. "What's that?" He picked up the note from my bed.


"Prepared for what?" He looked at me as I snatched the note from him and tossed t in the trash.


"There was a winky face! And my name I deserve to know!" He tickled me.

I fell onto my bed as he crawled on top. "I'm guessing it's supposed to be a surprise."

"I don't like surprises."

"It would be a good one I think." I bit my lip and put my arms around his neck. "In time baby."

"I want to know so badly! C'mon!" He whined into my neck.


"Fine." He got off me and before I could stop him he opened my drawer and pulled out the bra.

My face burned. "Niall..." I stood up and took it from him and he picked up the underwear so I took those too. "I'm not ready yet and I didn't want to get your hopes up." I sighed putting them away again. "Sara just asked me if we had and I said no. I couldn't lie. So she bought that when I wasn't looking." I sat down on my bed.

"I really want to see you in that but I can wait if you’re not ready. Don't feel like I'm rushing you. Yes I do get carried away when we are y'know but I know you'll stop me when you get uncomfortable." He sat next to me. "I want you to feel special when it happens. I want you to be one hundred percent sure."

I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. "I know." I kissed his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you, beautiful." He smiled. "I have to go to bed. See you in the morning."

I stood up with him, kissing him goodnight. He left and I went to shower and change. I got into bed relieved that Niall is going to wait for me. Maybe I was worried about him getting tired of waiting. I'm not sure when I'll be ready but I'm sure I'll know when I will be.


So I'm going to start writing my new fic and like I said before It won't be posted until this one is finished. :) Wish me luck because I'm afraid I can't write a Frat Boy Punk Niall... Yikes.

Remember to send feedback!

-Em xx

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