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I'm doing a double update. :)


When I got to work Monday I threw out the mac and cheese. Tuesday I ignored Niall the whole time, not that he was trying to talk to me anyway. Wednesday I had a break from him. Thursday I decided I needed to talk to him. I needed to apologize but he had school and work. Friday, I took the bus then walked to Niall's school.

I found his car in the lot and waited for him to come out. When I finally saw him he was with Harry and Louis. Louis hit his shoulder and Niall looked up at me. For a moment he looked happy to see me, but his face fell. Harry and Louis waved bye to him and he came up to his car.

"What are you doing here?" He put his keys into the lock.

"We have to talk." I crossed my arms.

"You made it clear on Tuesday at work that we don't." He opened his door and threw his backpack into the passenger seat.

"Please Niall." I grabbed his arm before he sat down.

"I'm sorry Opal. Maybe you're too much for me." He looked down and started his car, shutting the door.

"I told you I'm bad luck." I cried. "I'm sorry."

I wiped my eyes and ran from the parking lot. Figuring out how to get back to the bus stop, I stood at a corner looking in all directions.

"Opal? Is that you?" A familiar car stopped in front of me.

"H-hi Sara." I looked down.

"What are you doing here?" She reached over and opened the passenger door. "Get in."

I got in and closed the door. "I came to apologize to Niall for being a bitch but he wouldn't listen."

"Wait, you guys broke up? When?" She nearly yelled.

"Yeah, on Sunday night." I choked down my tears.

"No you didn't! He hasn't changed his Facebook status."

"Why does that matter. It's just a stupid website." I yelled making her jump. "Sorry."

She was driving down a street I actually knew and then she stopped in front of his house. "I don't know what happened but you two need to work it out. I'll wait here for you."

I nodded and got out of the car then walked up the steps. I knocked on the door and Niall's mom answered.

"I'm sorry honey, now isn't a good time." She said and I nodded.

"I'm sorry." I turned on my heel and started towards the car.

"Opal!" The door swung open and a red eyed Niall appeared.

"Niall I'm so sorry." He hugged me.

"I don't care. I need you." He cried into my shoulder.

"What's going on?" I stroked his hair.

"My parents are getting a divorce. They just told me." He sucked in air.

I took his head in my hands and pressed my forehead to his. "I'm so sorry baby. I really am." I wiped away his tears. "Do you want to get out of here?" He nodded. "C'mon."

I looked back at the front door and his mom was standing there. She looked heartbroken that she had done this to her only child. I nodded to her and she mouthed a thank you. I looked at Sara.

"Do you mind?" I asked.

"Not at all." She waved it off.

I opened the back door and Niall slide in. I followed and closed the door.

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