Chapter 1

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"Daniel!" I call out, laughing while I feel a spray of water hitting my back. I run away and hide behind a tree, not wanting to get soking wet. My mum would absolutely kill me if I came home, water dripping off of me.

"Sienna! Where are you?!" I hear Daniel call out. I giggle, not being able to keep hidden for long. Daniel jumps out in front of me, making me scream. Daniel laughs at, clutching his stomach. I pout, hating it when he does that.

"Ah, don't be mad" Daniel says, as he stops laughing and pouts himself. I giggle at him, not being able to be mad at him.

"I'm not mad, Dan" I say, smiling at him. Daniel stops pouting and grins himself. Oh, how you love that grin. Daniel then sighs and starts to get a serious look on his face.

"I need to tell you something" he says.

I'm pulled away from my thoughts by my phone ringing. I sigh, pressing away the memory. I grab my phone from the able. The number is unknown, making me frown. I answer it anyway.


"Hello, is this Sienna Hudson?" a man's voice asks me. I frown even more know. He sounds so serious. Those calls can never be good.

"Yes, this is she" I answer, eager to find out what this is about.

"Ah good. My name is Christian Horner. I am the team principal of Red Bull Racing. I have read your e-mail, about why we should hire you for a job. I know that mail was send a while back, but we didn't have any openings until now" he says, making my heart pount harder than it should. I applied for a job at Red Bull Racing a couple of months ago, right after I got my degree.

"We are in need for a PR for a new driver. After reading your mail, I got excited to have you work with us. I would like to invite you to come down to the Factory and talk things over. How does that sound?" I can't believe what I'm hearing. I am glad I made the move to London, as I know the RB Factory is in Milton Keynes.

"That sounds amazing, mister Horner" I answer, smiling to myself.

"Great! Could you maybe come by this afternoon ? We are kind of in a hurry" he says, sounding stressed.

"Yes, that would be possible. Around what time?" I ask. I am only half processing this whole thing. I'm being invited to go to Red Bull, today.

"2 P.M?" he asks.

"Yes, that is great! You'll see me then, sir" I say, looking at the time. 2 hours left.

"Okay, amazing! I'll see you then, miss Hudson" he says and hangs up. What just happened? I stare at my phone for a solid minute, before I jump up from the couch, seeing as I'm still in my pyjama. I run to my bedroom, getting out of them. I open the closet, scanning my clothes. I have no idea what I should wear. Do I wear jeans, or a pencil skirt? I stand there, just staring at my enormous pile of clothes, before deciding on black jeans. They are casual and look nice. I then just grab a white blouse, while wearing a black tank top under it.

I brush through my long, wavy hair, putting it up in a bun. I apply some light make-up, only some foundation, concealer and mascara.

I put on some black sneakers, smiling at myself when I look in the mirror. I look okay, atleast, I hope so. I grab a bag and put some stuff in it, like my wallet, a lipstick, small mirror, keys and a pen. You never know when you need a pen.

I walk back to my livingroom, sighing to myself. I can't believe that this might be happening. Maybe I don't even get hired, maybe Christian won't like me.

Haunting - Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now