Chapter 46

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"Daniel! Hurry up!" I call to him, as Jamie, Mike and I are waiting by the door of our apartment. We are leaving for Belgium today and Daniel is late.

In his defense, I made him pack some things he didn't want to take. But still, I asked that an hour ago.

"I'm coming!" Daniel calls back, stress clear in his voice. He comes running from the bedroom, his suitcase behind him.

"I'm ready!" he calls, making Mike chuckle and Jamie giggle. I just stare at him, while he frowns at all of us.

"Really? You're going to leave without shoes on?" I ask him. Daniel blushes and grabs a pair of shoes. Daniel and I are both already in team shirts. When we arrive in Belgium, Daniel and Max have a signing event, which is why our flight leaves very early in the morning.

"Alright, now I'm ready" Daniel says, this time, with shoes on. I smile at him and we all leave the apartment.


Once up in the air, I take out my phone and connect to the on board wifi. Jamie and Mike are just talking, while Daniel is listening to some music.

I check some e-mails, most of them can be answered with the same answers. I have an e-mail from Jocelyn with the details of the event today and I just scan through it.

"Sien?" I look to my right at Daniel, who is slightly frowning. It immediatly worries me.

"Yeah?" I ask him.

"Are you going to forgive Max?" he asks me. I frown now as well, looking down at my lap. I don't even know the answer to that.

"I don't know, Dan. He really hurt me, choosing her over me" I tell him. Daniel nods slowly.

"Did he tell you about why Camilla did it?" Daniel asks. I shake my head and frown some more.

"Hayley had theathened her, if she didn't try to pull apart all the good relationships Max had, she's destroy her. So she started with the most important one, the one with you. Camilla felt guilty and admitted everything to Max" Daniel explains. For a good minute, I just stare back at him, not knowing what to say. I also don't know how I feel about it, because he still went along with it.

"That is terrible. But he did what she wanted and that is what pisses me off. I'm not blaming Camilla, I'm blaming Max" I say, making up my mind about it all.

"But, Sien-" Daniel starts, but I cut him off.

"No, Dan. He hurt me and I can't just forget that. Please, stop bringing it up" I tell him. Daniel just sighs but nods. He turns his head to watch the clouds pass by, while I attempt to answer the dozen e-mails.


We send Mike and Jamie to the hotel, where we'll be going after the signing session. Daniel and I are walking on the track towards the place where it is held.

"So, are you just going to ignore Max now?" Daniel asks, frustrating me.

"I asked you not to bring it up, Dan" I simply say, not wanting my mood the change again. The weather is amazing and it put me in a better mood.

"And I ignored that. Max is one of my best friends now, Sien. He's on the same team as you are" Daniel says. I just frown. He is slightly right, about the 'Max is his best friend' part.

"I don't know what I'm going to do, Dan. I'll see what happened if I see him" I say. Daniel just frowns slightly, not happy with this situation at all. And I get that, but I'm not going to put my own feelings aside, just because of how others feel about this.

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