Chapter 26

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I'm standing in front of my suitcase, sighing to myself. Later today, we're leaving for Austria. And yesterday, Christian had given me the lederhosen, which are now laying in my suitcase.

"You are going to look great in those" Daniel says from behind me. I turn around and raise my eyebrow, making him laugh.

"You look great in everything, Sien" Daniel says. I smile and kiss him quickly.

"Are you excited for Austria?" I ask, as I close my suitcase, sitting down on the bed. Daniel smiles brightly.

"I am, but not just for the race" he says, smirking at me. I smile back at him.

"And why?" I ask, as I walk over to Daniel, who is also sitting on the bed. I go stand in between his legs, as he puts his hands on my legs.

"Because I have an amazing date planned for Saturday night" Daniel says, moving his fingers over to bare legs, making goosebumps appear. I move myself onto his lap, putting my legs on either side of him. I put my arms around his neck and kiss him. His hands move to my neck, pressing my face as close as possible to his.

Daniel pulls his head away slightly.

"And because of you wearing those lederhosen" he mumbles, laughing. I slap his arm and get off of his lap, making him pout.

I turn around and grab my jeans, putting them on. I change shirts and put my hair up in a ponytail.

"Sien?" Daniel asks. I turn back to him to look at him.

"Is it alright if I tell Christian this weekend? I don't want to sneak around the team" Daniel says, biting his lip.

I hate when he does that. He always tells me that it drives him crazy when I do that, but I lose my mind when he does it. So instead of answering, I walk over to him and kiss him, without warning. I guess Daniel didn't need any, as he lifts me up and throws me on the bed.


Daniel's POV

I sit next to Joelle on the plane. Max and Sienna are sitting next to us. I don't want to tell Christian now, so right now, we are just looking at each other.

Max and Sienna are laughing, Max probably joking around again. Sienna looks adorable when she laughs, her eyes slightly closing.

"Hey Dan?" I look to Joelle, who is raising her eyebrow.

"You're drooling" Joelle says, laughing at me. I just chuckle, shaking my head. I have a hard time taking my eyes off of Sienna, but I have to for a while.

"I'm going to tell Christian later today" I mumble to Joelle. She looks at me, her eyes a bit widened.

"And then what? Are you guys going to go public?" I shake my head, letting my eyes move to her once again.

"No, I just don't want to have to keep it away from the team. But when we go public, we will be followed everywhere" I say, sighing as I look back at Joelle.

"Yeah, but now you can't go anywhere without rumours" Joelle says, smiling sadly at me. I just sigh, resting my head on my hand.

"I know. Maybe Sien and I should talk about that as well" I say, feeling confused about what I want.


I bounce my leg up and down. I'm waiting for Christian in the hospitality area. I just want Christian to know it, from me.

"Dan?" I look up and see Sienna. She is smiling at me, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I think I should be here, I work for him as well" she says, looking at me. I nod and smile at her.

Haunting - Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now