Chapter 32

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I walk around the house getting ready. I am already wearing my Red Bull shirt, but my hair is still a mess and my face looks like shit.

"Sien? We have to leave in half an hour. Do you wanna eat something?" Daniel asks me, as he walks into the bathroom where I am now.

"An apple or something. Don't have time to eat" I say, blending my foundation into my face. Daniel nods and kisses my non-foundation part of my face.

I finish doing my makeup and put my hair in a high pony tail. I brush my teeth and then smile. Ready.

I walk into the living room and see Daniel and his parents fully ready. Daniel hands me an apple and I sit down as well.

My phone starts ringing and I groan. If this will be the same conversation as this morning, I'm going to kill someone.

"Sienna Hudson, Red Bull Racing, how can I help you?" I ask into my phone. I see Grace smiling widely at me.

"Miss Hudson, good morning. This is RTL Boulevard from the Netherlands. We were wondering if we could get something confirmed before we use it in our show" I frown.

"Alright. Well, I am curious now. What is it?" I ask, not knowing what rumour there is now about Max.

"Is it true that Max is seeing someone again?" the woman on the phone asks me. I look at Daniel and I don't know why, but he frowns now as well.

"Well, to be honest, I don't know. Max tells me everything, so I guess not" I answer, suddenly very confused. I don't know why I reacted like this, I'm usually more professional.

"But, it is possible that he didn't tell you?" She asks. That pulls me together.

"No, there is no way. Max is not seeing anyone right now. When he is, we'll let you know" I answer. I will have a good conversation with Max later.

"Oh, alright. Well, thank you. Have a good day miss Hudson"

"Good day" I say and put the phone down.

"I am going to kill Max" I just mumble, causing Dan's parents to frown, but Daniel himself to laugh.


We walk into the big building that is the Factory. Daniel just kisses my cheek and walks towards his team, while I just get Daniel's parents inside.

"So, we will go to my office first, so I can put my stuff down and then I'll show you around, alright?" I ask, while we walk into a hallway. Grace and Joe nod, just following me.

I open my office door and put my bag inside. I grab my phone from it and put it in my back pocket. I just shut my office door and smile at the Ricciardo's.

"Ah, Sienna!" I look up and see Christian walking towards us. He smiles at Joe and Grace.

"Hello" he says, smiling at them. Grace and Joe greet Christian by shaking his head.

"Right, Sienna. I just got an e-mail from someone that talked to you this morning about a rumour about Max" Christian says to me. I groan and sigh heavily.

"Yeah. I got a call right before we left, asking if it was true that Max was seeing someone. I denied it and asked Max for a meeting later today, so we can sort it out. I'll write an official statement" I explain to Christian. He nods slowly.

"Alright, that should be fine. I'll answer the e-mail and refer to you. Have a nice tour" Christian says the last part of Joe and Grace. They thank him and I start walking.

We start in the lobby again, as I show them the trophy's. They smile when they see Daniel's. Canada 2014, Hungary 2014 and Belgium 2014 are their favorites, as that are his first place ones.

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