Chapter 51

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I'm standing in front of the bathroom mirror. We have a dinner to attend, not a team dinner, but one with just a couple of drivers and family and friends. Max and Victoria, Evy and Carlos, Joelle, Nico R and Vivian, Sebastian and Femke are all coming.

I am wearing a white maxi skirt and a red-ish crop top. The skirt has a split that reaches until my thigh. I quickly take a picture, that'll post on Instagram.

SiennaHudson : haven't posted an outfit in a while! Dinner with the squad tonight! :D x

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SiennaHudson : haven't posted an outfit in a while! Dinner with the squad tonight! :D x

I walk out of the bathroom back into the room, where Daniel is sitting on the couch. He looks up and his smiles widens when he sees me.

"You keep mesmirazing me" Daniel says, as he stands up and walks over to me. I put my arms around his neck, while his arms move around my waist, pulling my body against his. He softly presses his lips against mine, making my heart flutter.

"You look very handsome yourself, babe" I say to Daniel. He is wearing black jeans, a salmon coloured t shirt and the same colour shoes. Daniel grins, while kissing me once more.

"We should go, or we'd be late" Daniel says, grabbing his phone and putting it in his pocket. I nod and grab my purse, putting my phone in it as well as our room key card.

Daniel grabs my hand as we walk through the halls of the hotel. We take the lift to the ground floor, making our way out of the hotel. The Singapore air is still very hot, but a little less than this afternoon.

"My parents asked if we could spend the day with them tomorrow. I didn't know if I had any interviews, so I said that I'd discuss with you" Daniel says as we walk through the busy streets.

"No, I haven't planned anything as long as we're in Singapore, as I knew your parents would be here, so we could be with your parents" Daniel smiles widely as I say that, while he nods as well. We walk in silence, just both enjoying the night life of Singapore.

We reach the restaurant and make our way to the back of it, where some of our friends are already seated. Max, Joelle, Victoria, Carlos and Evy are already there.

I first walk up to Evy, feeling like I haven't seen her in ages. She smiles widely and stands up, pulling me in a hug.

"I've missed you!" she says. I giggle.

"I've missed you too. It's so good to see you" I reply, as we pull away. I just continue greeting everyone, hugging them all. I take a seat between Evy and Daniel, while Daniel is sitting next to Max.

We just talk until everyone is seated, Sebastian sitting next to Joelle with Femke next to him. Vivian is next to Femke and Nico in between Vivian and Carlos.

We all order drinks, the guys sticking to beer, while most of us order wine. All except Femke. We all just look at her weirdly and she blushes. Sebastian just grins, making all of us curious, although I have a feeling.

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