Chapter 43

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* 2 days later*

Daniel and I walk through the terminal halls of London Heathrow. Daniel's hand is holding mine, as we make our way to security. I couldn't sleep last night, because I'm extremely excited. Daniel and I finally have some alone time, just being together and not worrying about racing.

"Sien? Do you have the passports?" Daniel asks me as it's our turn at security. I nod and hand his to him. Daniel shows the angry looking man behind the desk and Daniel is let through. Same goes for me and  I quickly make my way to Daniel.

"He looked so mad!" Daniel says, laughing slightly. He looks so relaxed, although we have to fly for almost 13 hours.

"I was actually scared of him" I reply to Daniel, making him laugh as well. We're walking straight to Starbucks and it's very busy.

"What do you want? I'll get it" I tell Daniel.

"Just a vanilla latte" Daniel answers. I nod and walk towards the queue. I'm standing behind a family, a dad, mum, son and daughter. I am guessing this as they're all talking together in a language I recognize as Dutch. That makes me think about Max again. I shake my head, not wanting him to ruin my time off with Daniel.

The girl turns around to me and her eyes widen. Although I'm not wearing my Red Bull shirt, she seems to notice who I am.

"O my god, you're Sienna Hudson, right?" the girl asks, a think, Dutch accent in her voice. Her family members turn around to me as well. I try my best to give a genuine smile.

"Yes, I am" I say, making the girl smile widely.

"I'm such a fan of your relationship with Daniel!" she says, surprising me. It makes me smile widely, though.

"Thank you! That's so sweet" I tell her.

"You work for him, right?" the boy now asks. He seems to be a couple of years younger than Daniel and I are.

"Yeah, I do. I'm his PR" I reply. The parents smile at their kids, as they keep hitting me with questions about Formula 1 and Daniel. Eventually, it's their turn.

"Can I get a picture with you?" the girl asks. I smile widely again and nod.

"Sure, just wait for me and we'll take a picture" I say. The girl nods and walks away with her parents, waiting for their drinks.

"Hello, welcome to Starbucks, how can I help you?"

"Hi, one Grande Vanilla Latte and one Caramel Macchiato, also grande please" I tell the happy looking girl behind the desk. She nods and grabs to cups.

"What is your name?"

"Sienna" she nods and writes it down. I pay for the drinks and then wait for the drinks. The Dutch family is standing on the side. From the corner of my eye, I see Daniel walking towards me. I look to my left and they all look as well. Daniel's usual grin is on his face, causing those damn butterflies to rush through my stomach.

"Hey! How are you guys?" Daniel asks the family, while I hand him his drink. They all smile widely and talk to Daniel. I kind of zoom out, as I watch Daniel's lips moving. How much I want to kiss him right now.

"Sien? They want a picture with you" Daniel tells me. I nod and pose for a picture. After that, we take off towards our gate.

"They were sweet" Daniel says, as he takes my hand again. I try drinking my coffee without burning my mouth. Daniel tries the same, both of us aborting the mission.

"They were. I didn't think someone would actually recognize me" I say, almost whispering the last part, but Daniel heard.

"Well, off course. Everyone would recognize that beautiful face" Daniel says, grinning.

"Smooth" I remark, as we reach our gate. I don't really enjoy flying that long, but Daniel insisted on flying Business Class, so it'll be less bad.

"I can't wait to see the house" Daniel says to me. I smile, remembering the pictures we saw. We rented a house for 2 weeks in the outskirts of L.A. It looked amazing on the pictures, but that can always be misleading.

"Me neither. I hope it is as amazing as the pictures were" I say and Daniel nods in agreement. We just wait until our flight is called out. Eventually, that happens. Because of flying Business Class, we get to board the plane first, leaving lots of people behind for now.

Daniel and I search our seats, as we're sitting on row 3. Did they do that on purpose?

Daniel sits down next to the window, me next to the isle. I put my bag under the seat in front of me, only taking my phone and earphones out.

"In 13 hours, we'll be in L.A, no big deal" Daniel mumbles. Although he has travelled a lot, he still hates long haul flights. The European part of the season is his favorite, as he doesn't have to travel far.

"It will be over before we know it" I say to him, not even believing it myself.


Those long 13 hours later, took forever to go by. I tried to sleep on the plane, but I couldn't fall asleep. Daniel had the same problem, only he dozed off a couple of times. We both listened to some music, watching a movie or playing games. Eventually, we decided it'd be best to cuddle, slightly. It's not that easy on a plane. But my head was laying against his chest and his arm was around me. I did fall asleep after that, for about an hour.

But, the plane had landed at LAX, meaning we're here. I sigh heavily as the plane finally stops moving. Daniel chuckles at me.

"Well, that wasn't so bad" he tries, but I glare at him, causing him to laugh at me once more. When the seatbelt sigh turns off, we stand up and grab our stuff.

We get to leave the plane first as well, meaning we get to bagage claim first, but not before moving through immigration. It takes forever and I hate that.

But we finally reach the bagage belt, seeing our suitcases already there. Daniel takes them off, showing off his muscles. I just take mine from him as we walk to the exit, hoping we get a cab.


Another hour later, due to the lovely L.A traffic, we finally reach our rented house. Daniel pays the cab driver and he drives off. I just stare at the house, being blown away. It looks amazing, even from the outside.

"Let's get inside" Daniel says. I follow him as he opens the door. I take my suitcase with me, as I walk into the master bedroom.

First of all, the bed is massive, you can fit atleast 4 people in there. Secondly, the room is extremely big. When I want to turn around, Daniel smashes his lips into mine. It doesn't take me long before I respond, putting my arms around his neck.

He pushes me backwards towards the bed, until I fall onto it. Daniel hovers over me, leaving my lips to go to my neck.

"I've been waiting to do this since Heathrow. I saw the way you were looking at me" Daniel mumbles against my neck, causing goosebumps to appear everywhere.

"You looked sexy" I manage to get out. Daniel grins, bringing his lips up to my ear, softly biting on it.

"You bit your lip, it turned me on" Daniel says, making me bite my lip again.

"Don't" Daniel warns, but I just do it again, knowing it drives him crazy and that's exactly what I want.

"Right, that's it" Daniel says before he lifts my shirt up. He can be gentle with me, but he isn't doing that now.


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