Chapter 37

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Before I know it, we're at the airport to go to Hungary. The weeks go by so fast when we're at home, working at the Factory. Daniel and I spent our time apart, in our own appartments, instead together.

Daniel had some friends coming over and I wanted to spend some time with Evy. We had girls nights and ate together every night. It was really good catching up with her.

But now, I'm standing next to Max at the airport, waiting for the rest of the team. Christian is standing with his phone to his ear, walking in circles.

My phone has been quite silent since Max and Camilla came out with their relationship. Nobody has been asking me questions as it's pretty clear.

"Si? What is the schedule for this weekend?" Max asks, as we're waiting.

"I rather tell you on the plane, when I know I won't get interupted by people arriving" I say, just as Daniel and Joelle arrive. They smile at us and wave. Evy is walking into the airport as well, she had to pick something up from the Factory. When Christian sees her, he immediately walks to her and starts talking. They start walking away, while we all just wait.

I keep studying Evy's face, I don't even notice Daniel coming up behind me, until I feel his arm around me. He kisses my cheek.

"Hey baby" he tells me. I take my eyes off of Evy and meet his.

"Hey babe" I reply, making him grin. He keeps doing that whenever I call him babe.

"Excited for Hungary?" he asks me. I just nod, leaning against him. Truth is, I'm exhausted. Although my phone wasn't ringing, I had lots of e-mails and I was up half of the night answering them.

"Should I ask Joelle to switch seats with you?" Daniel asks, moving some hair away from my face. I shake my head.

"No, I have to discuss Max's schedule with him. I'll sleep tonight" I just say, already looking forward to the moment I'm in bed.

"Alright" Daniel says and kisses the top of my head. Christian and Evy walk back and Evy has a weird expression on her face. When I walk up to her, she starts before I can.

"We'll talk later" she says and walks away with Christian again, this time as we're making our way to the plane. I just walk besides Max.


When we're up in the air, I take out my notes, on which I had written down the schedule.

"Right, so Friday morning you have an interview with Channel 4, about your race in Silverstone. After FP2, Olav. On Saturday, you have some phone interviews with different countries. That is also in the morning. In between FP3 and Qualifying, you have an interview with an Hungarian TV show. And then just the usual interviews. No extra interviews on Sundat" I say, nodding to myself as I had everything covered.

"Alright" Max says, sighing slightly.

"Oh, and when we get back in Milton Keynes on Monday, you have the day off. But on Tuesday, we have to go to London for a signing session" I say. He gets a smile on his face. He loves signing sessions, mainly because of the fans.

"Alright, that's nice" he says. I nod and put my stuff away, hoping to catch some sleep. But when I look sideways, I see Evy frowning to herself, deep in thoughts.

First thing when we arrive at the hotel is talking to her. I can't stand seeing her like that.


I dump my bags onto the bed, beside Daniel who is laying on the bed.

"I'm going to Evy" I say. Daniel nods, knowing me and how curious I am. I quickly run to Daniel and give him a kiss. He smiles and waves at me. I take my phone and key card and make my way to Evy's room.

I knock on the door and she opens it, still looking confused and frowning. I walk in and we both sit down.

"Spill" I just say. She sighs heavily but nods.

"Carlos's PR has left the team to work at Renault. She could start immediately, so she did. Christian has been calling with Franz and they came to the conclussion that they want me as Carlos's new PR" she says. My eyes widen.

"That is amazing, Evy!" I say, all excited for her, but Evy just sighs.

"It's just that I like working for Red Bull right now. It also means that I can't finish my school. They want me to work full time and it won't be an internship" she says.

"So because of school, you're doubting?" I ask her. She nods.

"But babe, you're getting a job offer. Why wouldn't you take it? It's an amazing oppurtunaty" I say.

"So, you'd take it?" she asks me. I nod, knowing I wouldn't even hesitate. She gets a small smile on her face.

"But what if it won't work out between Carlos and me?" she asks, getting her frown back.

"First of all, Carlos will be an idiot. Secondly, you get to show your professional side. It will be okay" I say and mean it. Evy slowly nods again.

"I mean it, Evy. They don't take risks if they're not sure about you. They really want you" I say and that earns a bigger smile from Evy.

"I'm supposed to tell Franz tomorrow, but now I know what to do" she says, smiling widely now. I smile back at her.

"I'm so proud of you" I say and I mean it.

"Thank you, Sien. It's all because of you" she says and leans in to hug me. I hug her back, tightly.

"I'd have to move out of your appartment, though" she says. I nod, knowing that Toro Rosso's base is in Italy.

"I know, but we both know that we weren't seeing much of each other anyway" I say, making her laugh.

"True. And we can FaceTime"

"And we'll see each other at races! See, it will be fine" I say. Evy nods and hugs me once again.


An hour later, I walk back into the hotel room, seeing Daniel shirtless on the couch. He smiles at me when he sees me.

"Well, this is a nice surprise" I mumble, letting myself fall next to him. I'm exhausted.

Daniel moves his arms around me and pulls me against his chest.  He kisses my head.

"You can rest now, baby. How was everything with Evy?" Daniel asks.

"Good. She is moving out of the appartment in Milton Keynes, though" I say, making Daniel frown.

"What, why?" Daniel asks.

"Because she'll be Carlos's PR from Germany onwards" I say.


It's been a couple of days before I last posted! I've been busy with exams, so there might be slow updates for about a week!

Let me know what you think of this story so far!

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