Chapter 40

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Before I know it, I'm walking into the Red Bull garage on Friday morning, Daniel's side. I did go to Max's to wish him luck, as he's still one of my best friends.

But I will now spend most of my days with Daniel's team. And they are all excited, the ones I've spoken with.

Simon, Daniel's race engineer, had introduced me to most team members and they all seemed nice. Off course, I had most of them already, but I was now introduced as part of Daniel's team.

Stuart, Daniel's personal trainer, said he'd keep my company durig races. I was happy about that, because standing alone would be awkward.

But now it's time for FP1. Daniel walks around the garage in his race suit, while I'm answering mails from my phone.

"I'll see you in an hour and an half" I hear Daniel's voice say. I look up and he's in front of me, smiling. I smile back at him as he leans in to kiss me quickly.

"Be carefull, I'd like to have you back in one piece, if possible" I say, earning a grin from Daniel. He just walks to his car and gets in.

"He seems very happy" Stuart says, appearing from out of nowhere. I smile at him as well, knowing how happy I've been since Daniel.

"He does, doesn't he? I do hope he is indeed happy and not just look it" I say. Stuart grins.

"He cannot shut up about you and how happy you make him, so I can tell you that he not just look happy, he really is" Stuart says. I feel myself blush, so I just look down. Daniel's car moves past us, as he starts his first stint.

"Daniel went on about how you moved in with him. He complained about the amount of stuff you have" Stuart chuckles while saying this.

"Well, I warned him, but he didn't want to listen, so it's not my fault" I say, smiling widely. I can see why Daniel likes Stuart so much, he's a great guy.

"Well, he seemed very excited about living with you, so the stuff can't be too bad" he says. I just smile and nod, not really knowing what to say now.

"I guess I just want to wish you both the best. You both deserve each other" he says, a genuine smile on his face.

"Thank you, Stuart" I say. I want to ask about his life, but my phone ringing interupts that. I excuse myself and take a step back.

"Sienna Hudson, Red Bull Racing. How can I help you?" I ask into the phone.

"Hello, miss Hudson. My name is Chris Wild and I would like to have Daniel in an interview. Atleast, I heard I had to contact you now" he says. The man sounds arrogant and it annoys me.

"For what channel are you, sir?" I ask, not realizing who he is.

"Channel 4" it then hits me that I've already talked to him before, when I planned an interview for Max.

"Right. When did you have in mind?" I ask.

"Next weekend" I frown. The media does know that the drivers have a far bit of free time, right?

"I am sorry, but Daniel won't he available in the summer break" I reply, using the word summer break on purpose.

"Oh. Why not?"

"Because it's his time off. He'll be available for interviews after the summer break is over" I say. Stuart frown at me, as I probably have an annoyed expression on my face.

"Oh, okay. Thank you for the information, miss Hudson" he says and hangs up before I can say or do anything.

"You did not look happy" Stuart says when I walk back to him.

"Oh, I wasn't"


I am sitting at the small desk in the hotel room, working on some schedules for Belgium. I am also looking for tattoo shops in California. I've found a few in LA, so I might get it there.

The hotel door opens and Daniel walks in, looking exhausted. I had already left the track, as he had some meetings after the interviews.

"Hey babe" I say, smiling at my boyfriend. He just sits down on my lap, kissing me.

"You're heavy" I say as he stands up again, making him gasp.

"Are you calling me fat?" Daniel asks me. I giggle and shake my head.

"Off course not, sweet" I say, moving my attention back to my laptop.

"Do you already know where you want your tattoo?" Daniel asks, taking off his shoes and jumping onto the bed.

"I was thinking about my hip" I say. Daniel frowns slightly, making me do the same.

"What?" I ask.

"Well, isn't that a bad place? What if you get pregnant. The skin will grow and the tattoo will get ugly" Daniel says softly, blushing when saying the word 'pregnant'.

"Well, true. But I want it somewhere where I can see it" I say.

"What about your wrist then?" Daniel asks, making me smile. I can already imagine it on my wrist.

"Love that!" I say, causing Daniel to laugh. He lays down and sighs heavily. He can really use the break coming up. He looks and sounds exhausted. Moving my stuff didn't help.

"I am really looking forward to getting away from Formula 1 for a couple of weeks" Daniel mumbles from the bed. I close my laptop and walk over to him. I sit down on the bed. He puts his head in my lap and I start playing with his hair.

"I know, me neither" I mumble. Daniel groans slightly, finally relaxing.

"How many of your friends are coming to America?" I ask Daniel. I can't remember many of his friends from before he left.

"4, plus two are taking their girlfriends" Daniel replies, snuggling his head further into my lap. I smile down at him.

"That's nice. I won't be the only girl then" I say. Daniel nods and smiles at me.

"Hey Sien?"


"Stuart really likes you, he gave me permission to keep dating you" Daniel says, a big grin on his face.

"Thank god. that's a relief" I say, causing the grin to widen.

"He said that he could see the happiness I'm causing in your eyes. He also said that he think you and him would be great friends" Daniel continues. I smile and kiss Daniel's head.

"I like Stuart as well"

"Good. Have you talked to Max at all?"

"No, I've only seen him before FP1, after that, no where to be found" I mumble. Daniel frowns slightly but nods.

"Can we cuddle now?" Daniel asks. It's kind of becoming our thing, to ask one another to cuddle.

I kick my shoes off and lay down next to him. He wraps his arms around me and I press myself against him. We both sigh and close our eyes.


Slightly shorter chapter. Hope you enjoyed it anyway!

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