Chapter 13

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I am walking through the airport. Evy has just landed and I'm here to pick her up. I'm extremely excited. She'll be living with me when we are at the Factory and she'll sleep in my room when we're abroad.

I go and wait for her at the arrival hall. As I'm standing here, I'm left alone with my thoughts. My thoughts about today. Because of everything, Max and I grew even closer, which is great. And then we have Daniel, who admitted he wanted to make me jealous. And it didn't even work.

After the rollercoaster, I just walked back to Max, continuing the whole act, so Kate didn't know it was fake. Joelle and Femke laughed at me when they saw me walking towards them with a giant teddy bear in my arms. Sebastian was convinced Max and I were dating.

"SIENNA!" I look up and see Evy running towards me. I smile brightly, seeing my best friend run my way. She attacks me with a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you so much!" she says and I hear her voice crack.

"Babe, I've been gone for about 2 weeks now" I say, giggling. She just laughs as well, before pulling away from me.

"You're absolutely crazy, for arranging this for me. When do I start, by the way?" she asks. I smile and lead her towards my car.

"Tomorrow. We'll go to the Factory, I'll let you meet everyone and then we'll spend the day in my office, as I'll explain everything to you" I explain, as we walk into the car park.

"Wait, you have your own office?" she asks me, her eyes widening. I nod with a big smile.

"Yes, so you get to sit with me all day long" I say with a bright smile. She giggles and nods. We finally reach my car and I help her put her stuff in my car. We get in the car and I start driving towards my appartment.


We walk into my appartment, Evy following me. She smiles when she sees everything. I decorated it, so pictures are everywhere.

"That was such a great day" Evy says, as she stares at a picture in the hall. It is of us 2, standing at a waterfall in our bikini. We went swimming there with our families.

"It really was" I say and help her get her suitcase in. It's a 2 bedroom appartment, so Evy has her own bedroom.

"I have already gotten some clothes from Christian, so you can wear a Red Bull shirt when we go to work tomorrow" I explain to her and she nods once again.

"If you wanna take a shower, go ahead. I'll make dinner" I say. Evy thanks me and walks into her room.


The next morning was hectic, for Evy. I am now used to the early mornings, but jetleg killed her. She is running around as she overslept.

I am already standing in the kitchen, fully ready. My hair is slightly curly, hanging over my shoulders, while the top half of my hair is up in a bun. My make-up is once again done lightly as I'm wearing grey, skinny jeans and my Red Bull shirt.

Evy comes running out of her room, now fully clothed as well. She is wearing black jeans and her Red Bull shirt. Her hair is pulled back in a high pony tail and she is also wearing light make-up.

"Do you want something to eat?" I ask her as I put cereal in a bowl for myself. She nods.

"Cereal would be great" she mumbles, taking a seat while panting.

I hand her a bowl and a glass of juice. I sit down as well as we quickly eat our breakfast.

"How many people am I meeting?" she asks, looking slightly unsure of herself.

Haunting - Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now