Chapter 18

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I get out of Daniel's car, as he has parked it in front of his appartment. I walk after him towards the door. Daniel opens it and lets me go in first, closing the door behind him. I take off my shoes, a habit, and put them out of the way.

"Do you want to eat first and then watch a movie?" Daniel asks me, as he puts the food down on the kitchen table. Before I can answer, my stomach grumbles. Daniel starts laughing, letting me know that he heard that. I feel myself blushing.

"Let's eat first" Daniel says, unpacking everything. I walk to his kitchen, taking two glasses and grabbing something to drink. I walk back to the livingroom, where his kitchen table is. I put the glasses down as Daniel has all the food unpacked.

"God, I'm starving" I mumble, sitting down and grabbing a plate. Daniel chuckles and sits down himself.

"Yeah, I heard that" Daniel says, smiling at me. His smile is just beautiful. I bite my lip, concentrating on eating, without letting my mind wander off. I can't help it, though. His smile, his eyes, his laugh. It's all I can see when I let myself.

"What movie do you want to watch later?" Daniel suddenly asks me, pulling me away from my thoughts about him. 

"What options do I have?" I ask him, smiling. Daniel chuckles, thinking about the movies he has.

"the Hunger Games, Final Destination, Scream and uh" Daniel starts. I know the last two he named are horror movies. I can't help but think about how we could cuddle up. Daniel having his arm around me, trying to protect him. Once again, I bite my lip just thinking about it.

I hate myself for thinking this about him. Daniel is my best friend, or was my best friend. I even promised Evy I wouldn't do anything and take it slow. And more importantly, I don't even know how Daniel is in all of this. Well, I know half, as he told me he'd haunt me. So far, he has not been haunting me.

"What about Scream? I have only ever watched one" I say to Daniel, his eyes widening.

"We have got to watch the other 3 then as well!" Daniel says, excited. I giggle and nod, finishing my food. Daniel and I both clean up after dinner, grabbing some popcorn.

"Do you want some wine?" Daniel asks me, opening his fridge. He grabs a bottle and holds it up.

"I have your favorite" he says. I smile brightly. Is wine a good option right now? No, not really.

"Sure, I'll have some wine" I reply to him, smiling. Daniel pours me a glass and grabs himself a beer. Together, we walk back to his livingroom. He puts the two glasses down and grabs a blanket.

"Can you go and grab some pillows?" Daniel asks me. I nod and walk to his bedroom. I have not been here before, so I can't help but look around. I see shirts laying on the floor, a couple Red Bull ones as well. It smells like him, probably because he sprays his deo and aftershave here. I shake my head, hating myself right now. I grab his two pillows from the bed and walk with them to the living room. Daniel has pushed his couch further back, laying some small pillows down as well. I smile and lay his bed pillows on the floor as well.

"I thought this would be nicer" Daniel says, sitting down himself. He opens up Netflix on the TV, as I sit down as well. I sit next to him, hugging my legs.

"By the way, do you maybe want some clothes that are more comfortable?" Daniel asks, seeing as I'm wearing my tight skinny jeans. I blush but nod slowly. Daniel chuckles and stands up, taking my hand. He pulls me with him to his bedroom. He opens his closet and takes out some sweatpants. Daniel hands me a clean shirt as well, as he changes out of his Red Bull shirt now.

Haunting - Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now