Chapter 57

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The days we had off between Malaysia and Japan, have gone by very quickly. Daniel and I spend some time together, just chilling and not doing anything. After the busy days in Malaysia and the busy days coming in Japan, we just wanted to rest.

The race weekend itself went by very quickly as well. Daniel first qualified on P6, behind Max on P5. It wasn't Daniel's best qualifying session, but he was quick and he was happy with his position.

He finished the race in P6 as well, while Max came in second. Daniel was quite disappointed in himself, but happy for Max nonetheless.

Today, we finally get to go home. Daniel and I are both really looking forward to just chilling at home. We've basically just promised each other to just do nothing, order some food and watch some TV or something.

"Are you ready to go, Dan?" I ask him, while I'm waiting, again, for him to be ready. Daniel pops his head out of the bathroom door.

"Just gotta do my hair" he says, pointing to his hair. It's sticking everywhere, making me giggle at him.

"Just wear a cap, or something. I thought you left one out of the suitcase for today?" Daniel then starts smiling and nods. He comes out of the bathroom and grabs his cap from under the table. I am not even going to ask why it was there.

"Now I'm ready" he says, making me smile as well. I open the door for him and he takes the suitcase out with him. We make our way down and I hand in our room key, before following Daniel outside, where a cab is waiting for us.

We arrive at the airport a while later, as Tokyo is a bit away from Suzuka, but we didn't want to take the train again. Daniel pays the driver and we make our way in. I checked us in online before we left this morning, so we only have to check in our suitcase.

"I love that you're a  PR, you do everything before we go somewhere" Daniel mumbles, while he grabs my hand. We start looking for a Starbucks, again.

"I would've done the same if I wasn't a PR" I tell Daniel, who just grins. We just make our way through the airport, while I can't stop thinking about being home.


*5 days later*

I am sitting on the couch, waiting patiently for Daniel to return from his training session with Stuart. Today is the day we're leaving for Austin, but Daniel doesn't know that yet. I told Stuart to get him back at a certain time, because we have a plane to catch.

I have packed a suitcase during the time that Daniel has been gone. I've only been done for a few minutes, but I know they will be back soon. We have to leave in 30 minutes now, which makes me nervous.

Just then, I hear the front door opening. I feel a smile creeping onto my face as Daniel walks in, looking exhausted.

"Hey baby" he says, walking over to me. Before he can lean in to kiss me, I stop him.

"Go take a shower and put on some comfy clothes" I tell him. He frowns but doesn't question me. He just grins and walks away. I hear the shower running a few seconds later. Luckily, Daniel isn't a long shower taker, so he is back quite quickly, wearing sweatpants, a loose t shirt and a cap.

"Good, now, we should put our shoes on" I say, grabbing my own.

"Alright, what's going on, Sien?" Daniel asks, sounding and looking a bit concerned. He is probably worried that I've lost my mind.

"Do you trust me?" I just ask Daniel. He nods his head slowly, so I just hand him a pair of shoes. He sighs but put them on anyway. I take the suitcase from behind the couch and Daniel frowns even more.

"I don't know where we're going but we have to go to Austin in a couple of days" Daniel says, so I just stare at him.

"I know, Dan" Daniel finally seems to catch on.

"Are we going now?" His expression changes from concerned to excited. I just nod and smile at Daniel. Without saying anything, he just kisses me softly.

"What are we waiting for then?" Daniel takes the suitcase from me and we make our way to his car.


After another Starbucks trip and checking in, we're sitting in our seats in the plane. Daniel has been looking extremely excited, just grinning the whole time.

"I can't believe you kept it from me. I also can't believe you're doing this for us" Daniel mumbles, as people move past us to get to their own seats.

"I thought it'd be nice to have some extra days in Austin, as well as spending some time together, just the two of us"

"It is. Should've thought about it myself, but I was too busy planning the off season" he mumbles, before frowning.

"Off season? What are you planning?" I ask him, very curious now. Daniel just chuckles and shakes his head.

"Just wait and see, babe" I sigh, pouting slightly.

"I'll give you a hint" I nod my head, hoping it's a good one.

"We'll be together" Daniel says, grinning. I glare at him and sit back, annoyed that I can't know. Daniel chuckles at me, as he grabs my hand and kisses it.

"I'll tell you when I have planned eveything, I promise" I nod at him, smiling slightly at him. I feel myself getting tired, my eyes getting heavy.

"If we're up in the air, you can sleep on me" Daniel tells me, making me smile at him even more.

Luckily, we're soon up in the air, the seatbelt sign turned off. Daniel moves the armrest between us up, holding up his arm. I lay my head down on his chest, while his arm moves around my waist. I put my legs up and lay them on the empty seat next to me. I'm glad that person never showed up. Daniel kisses my head and I close my eyes.


"Sien? We're gonna land soon" Daniel mumbles. He kisses my head, making a smile appear on my face. I sit up again, kissing Daniel's cheek in the process.

"Have you been able to sleep?" I ask him, as the seatbelt sign comes back on.

"Yeah. Stuart had worn me out, I was exhausted" Daniel chuckles, making me laugh softly as well. I feel the annoying pressure returning to my ears as the plane starts to decrease altitude.

"I can't wait to spend some days in Austin. I know some good restaurants from last year, I really want to take you there" Daniel says, smiling at me, before looking out of the window. I kiss his shoulder, looking forward to it as well. So I just stare out of the window, waiting for the plane to touch down.


Alrightyyy, so Tuesday, the last chapter will be posted. I'm so sad it's going to end :(
I do hope everyone liked this chapter!


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