Chapter 16

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I'm sitting in my hotel room, absolutely exhausted. But it's only 6 P.M here, while it's midnight in the UK. I am just glad that we landed safely and that I have nothing to do now.

I had told Max that if he wanted to just have a fun night, he could come to my room, to just chill and watch a movie or something. Joelle does have some interviews planned for Daniel, so they are off to those right now.

I am currently sitting on the couch in my room, Evy has gone to Carlos. Yes, Carlos. She and him hit it off and they are on a date right now.

A knock on the door pulls me away from my thoughts. I put the small book that I was also trying to read down, to walk to the door. I open it to find Max there, with a bag of popcorn in his hands.

"You came" I say with a smile. To be honest, I can use a good night as well. After the whole Daniel thing in Monaco, I've been so distracted. I need some distraction from being distracted.

"I did. I didn't feel like staring at my phone the entire night. And I also figured you could use some fun as well" Max says, walking into my room. I close the door and walk after him. Max's eyes fall onto the small book laying on the table

"What's that?" he asks with a small smile on his face. He sits down, wanting to grab it. I quickly grab it before he can. He frowns, while looking up.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but I don't like people reading it" I say to him. Max nods, making room for me to sit as well.

"So, the quote I told Daniel in Spain is 'I'm begging you to keep haunting'. I told him that it was about haunting for a title, a win, a pole, whatever. He just doesn't know where it came from" I start, looking at my handwriting.

"When Daniel left, I wrote a song. I always wanted to become a singer, but it didn't work out, but I wrote down what I was feeling" I say, remembering how I was feeling back then.

"Can you sing me a part of the song?" he asks me. I nod and open the book. I haven't looked at it for a long time, until Monaco. I opened my little song book and ever since, the song has been stuck in my head.

"I was as pure as a river, but now I think I'm possessed. You put a fever inside me and I've been so cold since you left. I've got a boyfriend now and he's made of gold. And you've got your own mistakes in a bed at home. I'm hoping you could save me now, but you break and fold. You've got a fire inside, but your hearts' so cold.

Cause I've done some things that I can't speak. And I've tried to wash you away but you just won't leave. So won't you take a breath and dive in deep. I came here so you'd come for me.

I'm begging you to keep on haunting. I'm begging you to keep on haunting, me. I'm begging you to keep on haunting. I know you will keep on haunting, me" I sing, the first part of the song. Max is looking at me, with his eyes a bit widened.

"You have a real talent. I don't know much of the story between you and Daniel, but it sounds like you have a really hard time" Max says, smiling slightly at me. I just nod, not really knowing how I survived either.


I'm walking towards Max's garage, Evy following me behind. Max had left early this morning with his personal trainer, ready for some workout.

"You never told me about your date, by the way" I turn to Evy, who is now blushing. She smiles as well.

"It was really great. He is just so sweet. I really like him" Evy says, not wanting to say to much as we're in public and you never know which driver will pick up what and tell others.

"I'm happy for you, babe!" I tell her. She smiles brightly.

"How was your night with Max?" she asks me.

"It was good. I sang him a little bit from Haunting" I mumble. Evy stops walking and looks at me. Here we go.

"You did? How did he react?"

"Good, he said he loved it and that he can imagine what I've gone through. You know what he suggested?" I ask her. Evy frowns, but shakes her head.

"That I should sing the entire song to Daniel" I say. Evy stops walking now completely, staring at me.

"You are not going to do that, right?" she asks me. I shake my head.

"No, not yet anyway" I mumble, not really knowing what I should do anymore. Evy grabs my arm, so I can't walk any further.

"Sien, you promised you wouldn't get involved with Daniel like that. After writing Haunting, you promised me" Evy says. I know I did that. Evy had told me that being with Daniel would never work out anyway. He has to many dreams and I didn't fit in those.

"But things have changed, Evy. He has made most of his dreams come true and I'm apart of it now" I say, smiling to myself.

"Sien, Daniel is living the dream life. Do you really think he'd date you, if he could have any girl on the world?" Evy asks me. I frown at her, now getting a bit pissed off.

"Why are you so against me and Daniel?" I ask her, turning fully towards her. She sighs, probably annoyed with me too.

"Because when he left, you were so hurt, I never want to see you like that ever again!" Evy says. I just sigh as well now.

"I know I was hurt, but who says I'll be hurt again?"

"Just don't jump into it right away, Sien. Let him show you that he wants you" Evy says. I nod, thinking about it. It might be a good idea, seeing how far Daniel is willing to go to prove to me that we should be together. And maybe, just maybe, he doesn't even want that.

"I will" I tell her. She smiles at me and we start walking again.


Evy and I are just standing in Max's garage, watching FP2 now. FP1 was great, Femke is doing a great job in replacing Adam.

In a couple of minutes, FP2 will be over and we have to go to Ziggo for Max's usual interview. Evy is preparing everything, as I told her she could record the interview and stuff. She was excited, finally being able to actually do something.

"Sienna!" I turn around and see Jason walking towards me. He is smiling and I'm glad about that. When Jason is happy, things are going great.

"Hi! I'm Jason" he says to Evy, holding out his hand. Evy shakes it and smiles. She has not met every team member yet.

"Hi, I'm Evy!" she replies. Jason nods and turns back to me.

"We are having a team dinner tonight! I just wanted to ask if you wanted to join? You too, Evy" he says and asks. I smile. I can use a good dinner.

"We'll be there!" I tell Jason, as Evy nods her head with another smile. Jason nods his head as well and walks away again. Jason is one of Max's engineers, so he has some work to do now. I turn to Evy.

"Great way to meet everyone" I tell her. She nods and goes back to her 'work'. Free practice 2 is finally over and we just wait for Max.


God, this chapter sucked.....

Anyway, thank you for the support this story has been getting! It makes me really happy! :D


Haunting - Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now