Chapter 27

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Max's POV

I am standing in the lobby of the hotel, waiting for Sienna. Today is Saturday, qualifying is happening as well. I am excited, a tiny bit nervous, but mostly excited.

I am also excited because there is an entire Orange tribune. Sienna had told me that between FP3 and qualifying, I get to go there, to meet fans. I think it's amazing that there are so many Dutch fans following me to races.

"Good morning, Maxie" I hear. I look up and see Sienna, smiling brightly. Ever since her and Daniel got together, they both look so much happier. It makes me miss being in love.

"Good morning, Sien" I say, smiling at her. She just hooks her arm through mine, pulling me along with her.

"Are you excited for today?" she asks me, opening the car door for me. I chuckle at her but get in, her following me. The car starts driving away.

"I am, especially for qualifying! I don't really care about FP3" I say and I mean it. After already having done 2 practice sessions, I'm kind of done with it.

"I can imagine. I am excited for your orange sea of fans" Sienna says, giggling to herself. I shake my head and just look out of the window.

"Max?" I look up at Sienna.


"Are you alright?" she asks, sounding worried for some reason. It may be because I'm basically always staring.

"I am" I mumble. Sienna sighs, frowning.

"You know that I can tell when you're lying right? Do you miss Hayley?" she asks me. I shake my head.

"No, I just miss having a girlfriend and being in love" I admit to her. She immediately grabs my hand and smiles at me.

"You'll meet someone, Maxie. Maybe even in that orange sea today" Sienna says. I smile at her nickname for me. I just went with the one Daniel uses for her. I need to be creative.

"I hope so. You'll help me find someone, right?" I ask her, making her chuckle.

"Off course. And until then, I'll be your replacement girlfriend. I'll hold your hand and stuff" she says.

"Maybe we shouldn't do that in public anymore, as you and Dan are now public" I say, making her smile even more.

"People know we are close. As long as we don't kiss, I think we're good" Sienna says. I nod and smile. I look down at our hands, still holding onto each other.

"I'll keep my eye out for a lovely girl today" Sienna mumbles as the car pulls up at the track. I smile at her, before getting out after her.


Sienna's POV

FP3 was boring as hell. I was just standing there, staring at the screens. I couldn't really concentrate, as I kept thinking back to the conversation I had with Max.

"Si?" I look up, seeing Max walking over to me. He is smiling, adjusting his cap while walking. He is back in his normal clothes.

"Are you ready?" I ask him. He nods and smiles even brighter. I nod and make him walk after me.

"And by the way, Si?" I ask, frowning at his new nickname.

"Yeah, needing something different than Sien" Max mumbles, making me laugh. A bodyguard is waiting for us at the beginning of the tribune. We both greet him and he walks in front of Max and me.

"Remember, scan the crowd for a cute girl" I mumble to Max, making him chuckle while he shakes his head.

"You too!" he says to me. I just nod as we walk onto the tribune. The fans start to cheer, making me flinch. I go stand next to Max. People start to hold out things for him to sign. He just looks at me, as I hand him a black pen. He smiles gratefully at me and starts signing merchandice.

I just look at the fans, sometimes handing Max a new pen.

"Are you Sienna?!" someone yells. I look up and see a girl, Max's age. She is smiling, so I smile back.

"I am, yeah" I say. She smiles.

"You are so pretty! Daniel is so lucky to have you" she says to me. I smile at her.

"Thank you! Do you want Max to sign something?" I ask her, as Max is at the other side.

"Uh, yeah. I have a cap and my phonecase" she says, blushing slightly.

"I'll make sure to get him here, hold on" I say and she nods. I walk over to Max, who is just done with that side.

"Max, your future girlfriend wants you to sign some stuff" I tell him. He chuckles and nods, walking with me. We find the girl and her eyes widen.

"Hi!" Max says to her, sounding excited. She smiles.


"What can I sign for you?" Max asks. She hands him her cap and her phone case. Max first signs the cap before moving to her phone case. He turns to phone around and tries to unlock it.

"What are you doing?" she softly asks. Max turns a bit red, making me laugh at him.

"Wanted to put my number in your phone" he says, making the girl blush as well. The types in her code and hands her phone back to Max. I lean to him to say something.

"Ask for her name, stupid" I whisper to him. He chuckles and nods.

"What's your name?" Max asks.

"Camilla" the girl answers. I smile, mentally saving her name as well. Max smiles back at her.

"Can I maybe have a picture with you?" Camilla asks Max. He nods and hands his own phone to me.

He leans a bit closer to Camilla and I take the picture.

"Now you'll have to text me first to get the picture" Max says, winking at her. Camilla nods and smiles.

"We have to move on, Max" I tell him, seeing more fans with stuff to sign. Max nods and looks at Camilla.

"I'll talk to you later" Max says and Camilla nods with a big smile. I push Max to different fans.


I am waiting for Max to get back from changing. Qualifying has just ended. Max qualified 9th, which isn't that well. I blame Camilla. I bet he had her on his mind.

We now have to move to the post qualify interviews. I see Joelle walking past me, which makes me smile. I feel lips press against my cheek really quick, before following Joelle. Daniel looks behind him, smiling at me. I smile back at him, as he just turns back and walks with Joelle.

"I'm ready!" Max says, appearing next to me. I nod and we start walking as well.

"Camilla has already texted me" Max starts, smiling. I smile back.

"I hope you do concentrate enough" I mumble, looking at him. He nods slowly.

"Yeah, I just didn't have enough pace in my last outlap, so I didn't make it in time" Max mumbles. I nod as we reach the media section. We walk in and I just lead Max to the first one I see.

I put the recorder next to Max as he starts answering the questions he gets asked.

Most people ask the same, all about how much he can push tomorrow. Joelle and Daniel walk past us to another interview and Daniel winks at me.

I just smile and try to keep my attention to Max. That is, until I realize that Daniel had a date planned for tonight.


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