Chapter 6

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It is Thursday now. After a tiring flight yesterday, we checked into the hotel and actually just went to our rooms. Jos has a room for himself, as does Max and I too off course.

But now, it's time for work again. And this is going to be very, very awkward. The Drivers Press Conference is happening today and both Max and Daniil are going.

I am sitting in the room, with my note pad and pen. The drivers all sit down and I almost choke when I see Daniil Kvyat and Max sitting next to each other. Someone sits down next to me and smiles at me.

"Aren't you Max's PR?" he asks me, almost whispering. I nod slowly, wanting to hear everything.

"I'm Aron, Lewis' PR" he whispers again. I just nod at him, as I hear them starting. Aron lets it go and writes along with everything that Lewis says. Max starts answering his questions and I quickly write down everything he says, using half words to keep up. Words that I'll understand when I write out everything on my laptop.

The questions keep coming to Daniil and Max, and I see Max getting annoyed. At one point, his eyes lock on mine and I make a hand gesture, telling him to calm down. I see him taking a deep breath, before calming down.


The press conference took a while, but it is finally done. Max is doing his track walk now, as I'm sitting in Red Bull's hospitality room, typing out the interview questions and Max's answers.

"Sienna!" I look up and see Christian walking towards me. I smile at him.

"Christian! How are you?" I ask him. He smiles back at me.

"I am very well, how are you?" he asks me, taking a seat at the table I'm sitting at.

"I'm good" I answer, saving the document before it is all gone or something. Christian looks at the laptop and smiles.

"Right, so Max just walked past me and said something about wanting you as his PA as well?" Christian sort of asks me.

"Ah yes. We had talked about that. I made a joke about being his PA and then he actually said he wanted me too, but I'm not sure how that will work out" I say honestly.

"I wouldn't mind you doing PA things for him as well. It's not much extra, so if you want, I can send you those kind of things as well" I smile and nod.

"That would be great, thank you Christian" I say, making Christian nod.

"I also heard that you and Joelle will go out tonight" he says. I nod, remembering that.

'Yeah, to get to know each other. We do have to work together" I answer him.

"I think it's a great idea. Well, I'll let you get back to work. I'll see you later, Sienna" he says and stands up, walking away. I just get back to work, working on my laptop.


A while later, I see two figures walking towards me. Max and Daniel. I smile at both of them, both of them sitting down as well.

"Hey Sien" Daniel says. Max just frowns, but smirks right after.

"Hey, how was the track walk?" I ask, looking at both of them, sometimes checking my mail. The guys both smile.

"Really great, actually" Max answers, looking at my laptop.

"Are you still doing that press conference thing?" he asks, slightly getting an annoyed look on his face again.

"Yeah, almost done, though. It's basically copying and pasting everything and then changing a few words" I say, while chuckling. Max just sighs again.

"Relax Max. Just one more interview and you're done!" I tell him and he smiles slightly. He looks at Daniel.

"I am going to get some lunch, have fun catching up" Max says and leaves Daniel and me. Daniel smiles at me.

"How have you been?" Daniel asks me. I can't believe how awkward this is.

"I've been alright. Just busy, I guess" I say, not even really knowing how much I've done the past days.

"I can imagine. I can imagine how many calls and e-mail are coming to you" Daniel says, smiling sadly at me. I just smile.

"It's my job, so I don't mind" I say, just when my phone starts ringing. Daniel chuckles as I answer.

"Sienna Hudson, Red Bull Racing, how can I help you?" I ask.

"Hi Sienna, this is Martin from SkySports. We have Max sceduled in for an interview later, but we want to let you know that the place changed. If it's alright, we'll just come to the hospitality area" he tells me.

"Oh yeah that is fine. I'm here now anyway, so I'll wait for you here" I say back.

"Great, I'll see you later!" and he hangs up. I just sigh and put my phone down again, looking at Daniel.

"So, are you still friends with Evy?" Daniel asks, remembering her. I nod with a smile.

"Yeah, even though it's tough now, with my living in London and her still in Perth" I say. Daniel nods.

"Maybe she can come to a race sometime" he says. I nod with a smile. I would love for that to happen.

"Dan!" someone yells. Daniel smiles and looks up. A girl comes running to him. Before I realize what is happening, her lips are on his. I feel myself freeze slightly. I just look away, not wanting to look at it.

When they pull away from each other, Max finally comes back, smiling sadly at me.

"Oh, you must be Max, Dan's team mate!" the girl says, holding out her hand to Max. Max smiles at her and shakes it.

"Yes, I am, nice to meet you" Max says.

"I'm Maya" she tells him. She then looks at me.

"And who are you?" she asks me, sounding incredibly arrogant. I just frown slightly, before holding out my hand.

"I'm Sienna, Max's PR" I say. She smiles slightly while shaking my hand. She turns to Daniel.

"Isn't a friend of yours called Sienna as well?" she asks him. Daniel nods and smiles at me.

"That is her, actually" Daniel says. Maya's smile now fades at all and is replaced by a fake one. But I just start working again.

"Oh, by the way, Max. SkySports is coming here, so we can just stay here until your interview is over" I tell him, looking up from my laptop, just as he has food in his mouth. I laugh at him as he quickly swallows.

"Okay good. 4 right?" he asks and I nod, seeing it's 3 now.

"Have you lunched yet?" he asks me and I shake my head, still typing away.

"What do you want, let me get you some food" Max says.

"Oh no, I'll get her some, I have to get some myself anyway" Daniel says while he smiles at me. Maya glares at me, but I ignore her.

"That would be great, thank you Daniel" I tell him as he nods and walks away. Maya sits on his seat, staring at me. I feel her eyes on my the entire time, which makes me feel really uncomfortable.

"So, Sienna. Do you have a boyfriend?" Maya suddenly asks me, just as Daniel sits back down and hands me some food. It are two sandwishes. I smile at him.

"I don't actually" I say to Maya, while trying to smile as sweetly as I possibly can. Maya smiles back.

"Oh, why not?"

"Don't really got any time. I'm stuck with this one most of my time nowadays" I say and just look down, already done with the conversation. Maya just ignores me for the rest of the lunch part. Daniel and Maya leave soon and the people from SkySports arrive.

During the interview, I just type along, as I have my laptop here with my anyway. They don't mind me sitting here, so this makes it a bit easier for me. But during the entire interview, I can only think about Maya and Daniel. I had never thought Daniel would date that type of girl. She is fake and mean. I didn't think he'd fall for those kind of girls, but I guess I really don't know him anymore.

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