Chapter 41

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I'm sitting at the hospitality area with Joelle and Evy. We're eating our lunch. Qualifying is next and like always, we have lunch right before it.

"So, what are the summer break plans?" Joelle asks, looking at Evy and I. I just look at Evy as well and she smiles.

"I'll be spending it with Carlos. We'll go to Spain for a week to see his family and then we'll go to another place, but Carlos won't tell me where it is" Evy says, a wide smile on her face. I smile back at her, I understand why she is excited.

"What about you, Joelle?" I ask her.

"Well, I'm just going to chill, visit my family" she says and pouts. She's always complaining about how she will die alone. I always tell her that someone will come along.

"And you, Sien?" Evy asks me.

"Daniel and I are going to California for 2 weeks, his friends are coming there as well" I say, a smile on my face. I honestly can't wait, I'm so excited.

"That sounds amazing. I am going to miss racing for a month, though" Joelle says, frowning. I just sigh, knowing I love this job, but I'm happy I get away from it for a few weeks. My phone will be ringing, for sure, but still.

"Well, I'm happy to have this break" I say softly. Evy just nods, while Joelle shrugs. I finish my salad and throw away the empty package.

"Hey!" I look up and see Camilla walking towards us. Joelle smiles at her, as do I, but Evy doesn't know her yet. Camilla hugs Joelle, but she seems to hold back towards me, but hugs me anyway.

"I'm Camilla, Max's girlfriend" she says to Evy.

"Oh hi! I'm Evy" she says, not bothering to introduce herself as someone's girlfriend. Camilla smiles at her.

"Max was looking for you, Sienna" Camilla says to me, but she didn't sound to be happy about it.

"Alright, where is he now?" I ask her, excited about seeing Max.

"Garage" she just says. I just give Evy and Joelle a hug, before walking off. I make my way over to Max's garage. I would love to just still see him often.

I walk into the garage and see him leant against a wall, arms crossed over each other. He smiles when he sees me walking over to him.

"Hey Maxie" I say with a smile on my face. He starts to frown now, which concerns me.

"Listen, we need to talk" he says and that makes me nervous. I just nod, standing right in front of him.

"Look, I don't  think that we should stay this close. To some it might seem that we're together or having an affair or something" Max says, making me frown.

"And to some you mean to Camilla?" I ask him, raising my eyebrow. He shakes his head, looking down. I just sigh.

"Look, I know it's because of Camilla. She doesn't like that we're close and I get that. But are you willing to give up our friendship over her?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow at him. Max just sighs and looks at me.

"It's not just Camilla, Sien. People have seen pictures of us holding hands. The world thinks we're together" he mumbles.

"So what? Let them think what they want. But in all honesty, I don't think Camilla is good for you. She wants to keep us apart, but if you're okay with that, then there is nothing I can do" I say, feeling extremely betrayed. Max just sighs.

"I'm sorry Sien, but I think it's better if we just stay away from each other" I shake my head, making him frown.

"Only my friends get to call me Sien. To you, I'm Sienna" I say and turn around, walking away. Right now, I'm pissed, but I know myself. The tears will come soon enough.

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