Chapter 47

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The Belgian Grand Prix is in full swing, as we're getting ready for the qualifying sessions. And with we, I mean the drivers and their teams. I'm just waiting till it's over so I can take Daniel to the post qualifying interviews.

Like the last Grand Prix, I'm standing next to Stuart and Julia in Daniel's garage. The two seem to have grown close, as they keep joking around or secretly touch each other's arms. But I see it, I see everything.

I haven't talked to Daniel about my situation yet. I haven't taken a test either, I'm scared as hell.

"Alright, let's go" Stuart says as the clock starts ticking and the cars leave the pitlane. He has a bright smile on his face, making me smile as well.

When I look out of the pitbox and towards the crowd, you can only see orange. Like in Austria, but 100 times worse, a freaking orange sea.

"Can you believe that so many people are wearing orange?" Julia asks, pulling a face. I giggle at her, totally agreeing to her disgust.

"I wouldn't wear orange, I don't look good in that" I say to her, making Stuart roll his eyes.

"What?" I ask him.

"Please, according to Daniel, you look good in everything" he says, making Julia laugh and me blush.

"Well, I'd hate myself in orange" I say, as I feel my stomach do weird things. I take a deep breath, hoping I won't puke all over the garage.


After having done the post qualifying interviews, Daniel and I make our way back to his garage.

"How are you feeling?" Daniel asks, grabbing ahold of my hand when we're close to the garage.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking" I say and smile at him.

"You look a bit pale, though" Daniel says, frowning slightly. I just shrug, not really wanting to talk more about it.

"I haven't told you yet, but great qualifying! I'm proud of you" I say, changing the subject. Daniel smiles proudly, although I know he wanted more. With Lewis having to start last, Daniel thought he had a good chance of starting on the front row.

"I'm happy for Max, though. In front of his home crowd, having his best qualifying ever. That must be amazing" Daniel says, looking at me. I just nod, not wanting to talk about that either. Daniel just walks away from me to get changed.

"Sienna!" I turn around and see Victoria and their mum walking up to me. I smile widely at them, accepting Victoria's hug.

"How are you, love?" I ask Victoria. She smiles widely.

"I'm great! What about you?" I just nod, giving Sophie a hug as well. I have a feeling this is about to get awkward.

And my feeling is right. Max walks up to us as well, dressed in his normal clothes. His eyes widen slightly when he sees me, but smiles after.

"Great qualifying" I just say to him, when he's next to his mum. Victoria frowns slightly at me, which tells me that Max hasn't told them about our situation.

"Thanks! Dan must be happy as well" he says and I just nod.

"Sienna! We need you for a sec!" I hear Stuart yell from Dan's garage. I just smile at him and nod.

"Excuse me" I just say to the Verstappen's, making my way into the garage.

"What is it?" I ask Stuart, who just grins.

"I know about the situation, nothing is going on. I just wanted to help you" I smile gratefully at Stuart.

"Thank you, Stu" I tell him, leaning against a wall in the garage. I feel tired, exhausted even. But my smile returns when I see Daniel walking out in his normal clothes, wearing jeans, a Red Bull shirt and my favorite shoes on him.

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