Chapter 48

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Max pulls me into his hotel room, before someone sees me crying in his arms. When the door closes, Max pulls me closer to him, rubbing circles on my back.

"I-I don't know what to do" I say in between cries and breaths. Max just keeps trying to calm me down, which is something I appreciate a lot, it just doesn't really help.

I am able to control my crying slightly, enough to pull away from Max and take a deep breath. Max looks worried and unsure of what to do next. A couple of days ago, I yelled at him and now I'm in front of him, crying.

"Sit down" Max says, leading me to the couch. He walks towards the mini fridge and grabs a bottle of water. I take a few small zips before placing the bottle back on the table.

"What is going on, Sien?" Max asks, looking unsure of using that name. I just try to smile, reassuring that it's alright.

"I'm not sure. Something might be going on, but I am afraid to talk to Daniel and I am afraid to do anything about it. But if it's happening, then Daniel's and my life will change forever. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that" I explain. Max looks confused and I can't blame him. That wasn't my best explanation.

"Sienna? I'm worried, what is it?" Max asks me, grabbing my hand.

"I think I might be pregnant" I say softly, looking down at my lap. I'm afraid to look at Max. How am I supposed to tell Daniel if I can't even look at Max.

I feel his arms move around me, pulling me closer to him.

"Please explain everything, I'm here to help you, Si" Max says, rubbing circles on my arm now. I nod and take a deep breath once again.

"In the summer break, Daniel and I went to L.A. Something happened there and I can't remember if Dan used anything. I started throwing up and I'm late" I start. Max just nods, waiting for me to continue.

"I am afraid to do a test, mainly because I'm afraid of what it will tell me. I'm afraid to talk to Daniel, because I'm afraid of his reaction. Max, I can't have a baby, but it's Daniel. He is so good with kids, I can only imagine him wanting kids himself. And if I think about it, there is a part of me that wants kids with Daniel, but what about our lifes?" Max just sighs and nods.

"Look, I understand that you're scared, but you have to do something. Maybe talk to Daniel about it and do a test together?" Max asks.

"I can't believe that this is happening" I say, putting my head in my hands. Max puts his hand on my back.

"It might be happening. And if it is, I'm sure Daniel and you will work it out. You guys are strong as hell. You have so many people around you who would love to help you" Max says, making me smile ever so slightly.

"Max?" Max looks at me.

"I'm sorry I was so cold to you. I should've let you explain better" I say, my voice small and soft. Max just kisses my cheek.

"I was an ass, I deserved it. Are we good now, though?" he asks carefully. I nod with a smile on my face. Max sighs and smiles after.

"Go talk to your boyfriend" Max says, letting go off me. I nod and kiss his cheek, before thanking him.

I walk back into the hotelroom I'm sharing with Daniel. He is already dressed, ready to party. He gets a worried expression on his face when he looks at mine. My eyes must be red and puffy.

"What happened?" Daniel asks, walking over to me. I sigh, feeling more tears forming. That worries Daniel even more, as he pulls me closer to him.

"I need to talk to you" I manage to get out, making Daniel nod. He looks extremely worried, like he could burst out in tears himself.

"I can't remember something and I hope you do. Did you use protection in Los Angeles?" I ask quickly, before I can change my mind. Daniel seems confused, but is thinking.

"No, I don't think I did" Daniel mumbles. I nod slowly, feeling my heart rate pick up it's pace. I stay quiet for a while, before Daniel grabs my hands.

"Sien? What's going on?" he asks softly. I have a feeling he knows, but just wants me to confirm it. I take a deep breath, extremely scared right now.

"I'm not sure, but I think I might be pregnant" I whisper, not ready to say it harder than that. I look down at my lap, not wanting to see Daniel's face. I don't want to see how angry he's getting, or upset.

"Sien?" Daniel just asks. When I don't look up, he places his fingers under my chin and lifts it up, making me look into his eyes. I can't find that anger, I can't find anything that shows him being upset. He looks worried, but that's all.

"We need to figure this out then. We need to get you a test or to a doctor" Daniel says, smiling at me.

"Are you not angry or upset?" I ask, confused. I don't know why, but I expected a different reaction.

"No, why would I? I'm just worried for you" he says. I sigh in relief, letting myself fall into his arms. He kisses my head, which calms me down slightly.

"We need that test, though" Daniel says. I nod, but not moving right now. A knock on our door pulls us away from each other. Daniel gives my head another kiss, before opening the door. Nico and Vivian are standing there. I am glad I have stopped crying, but I'm nowhere near looking presentable.

"Are you ready?" Nico asks, as Vivian looks at me.

"I'm not!" I call, ready to completly ignore our previous situation. Vivian pushes past Daniel, looking at me.

"I'll get her ready, you guys go" Vivian says. Daniel looks at me, unsure. I just nod at him and he nods back. The men walk away, leaving me along with Vivian. She just starts grinning. Oh no.


Daniel's POV

2 days later and I'm at the Factory, getting ready for the Italian Grand Prix. Gotta be honest, ever since Sienna said the word 'pregnant', I've been thinking about a little Ricciardo growing in her stomach.

It makes me think about wanting one, with her. She'd make a great mommy and I'll be the best daddy. I can't stop myself, but I see myself raising a kid with Sienna.

My only concern is my job, and Sienna's. A kid will prevent her from working for Red Bull. She'll have to stop working to raise it, travelling the world with a son or daughter.

I haven't been able to keep concentration on for too long. Simon, my engineer, keeps hitting my arm, to get me back in concentration. I keep zooming out, into a world where it's just Sienna, me and a kid. Just the thee of us.

That world makes me incredibly happy. But at the same time, it scares me. Sienna and I haven't been together for that long, I'm still in the middle of my career. I'm not planning on stopping racing anytime soon.

But up until now, we haven't done a test, so I still don't know if I'm gonna be a dad or not.



It's wednesday, which means Haunting day!
I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I really enjoy writing this story and I never want it to end!

Next chapter will be up on Sunday! Xxx


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