Chapter 14

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To say Monaco was a horrible race weekend, is an understatement. Monaco itself was great, I had never been there before. But the race, for both drivers was awfull.

For Max, the whole weekend sucked. He crashed in qualifying, so he had not set a time. Race control decided he could start from the pitlane, which everyone was happy about.

Daniel got pole position, which everyone was very excited about. It was his first of his career, so he was very excited himself.

Then the race started, behind a safety car as it was raining. Later on, the race got going and Max managed to overtake a few people. When he was in 9th posistion, he crashed again. And that was not the worst of the race.

Daniel was leading the race, but then he had to make a pitstop. The team was not ready, although they called him in. He lost his first place and never got it back, so he came in second. I have never seen Daniel that angry.

I'm now waiting with Joelle for both of them to get back from their debrief. Joelle is confused though, as she had not seen Daniel go to it. Joelle suddenly frowns, making me frown as well.

"Jack? Where is Daniel?" Joelle asks. Jack is one of Daniel's engineers. Jack frowns at that question.

"Didn't he tell you? He went home, not wanting to attend the debrief" Jake says. My eyes widen. Evy, who is standing next to me, frowns and looks at me.

"That is nothing like Daniel" she says. Joelle dials his number, but he doesn't pick up. I look at Evy and sigh. She looks at me, unsure of what to do.

"Okay, Max has done all his interviews for today and I don't have any planned for tomorrow. The only thing you have to do is wait for Max and walk with him back to the car. Also, you have to explain as to why I'm not here anymore" I tell her. Her eyes widen slightly.

"Jo? I need Daniel's address" I say to her. She looks at me and nods. She goes on her phone and sends me the address. I nod and turn back to Evy.

"If something is up, you can call me. Tell Max that he has nothing planned right now. Can you do that?" I ask her.

"Yes, off course"

"Just ask Max if you can come along if they are going to party, I'm not sure if I'll be there. Max is really nice and you two seem to get along, so I hope you're fine with this" I say to her. She nods once again.

"I'll be fine, go find Daniel" she says. I nod and kiss her and Joelle's cheek. They wave at me and I walk away from them. Halfway through walking to the exit, I bump into Max. He looks confused.

"Evy will explain" I just tell him, before walking away from him as well. I get a taxi and give him the address of Daniel's house.


It turns out that it was about 5 minutes from the track, so the taxi driver let me go for free, which was sweet. I guess it had something to do with the fact that he saw I was a staff member from Red Bull, but I'm not complaining.

I walk up the stairs to Daniel's front door. I ring the doorbell, but no one answers. I sigh. I grab my phone from my pocket, deciding to text him.

To : Daniel

Daniel, it's me at the door. Please open up..

I send the text and wait. I ring the doorbell once again. The door finally opens with a loud buzz. Joelle told me it was appartment number 21, top floor. So I take the elevator to the top floor. I walk out and see his front door already open. I close it when I'm inside. I hear glass, so I frown. I walk towards the sourch of the noise and see Daniel kneeled down, picking up pieces of glass.

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