Chapter 3

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I close the door of my bedroom, leaning against it. I let the tears slip from my eyes, rolling down my cheeks. I let myself slide to the floor, hugging my legs against my chest. How can Daniel leave me?

I understand it slightly, it's because of his dreams. And I want him to follow his dreams. I just never thought he'd leave me behind. I always thought he'd take me with him. I have nothing to keep me here. He was the only reason.

But he doesn't want me with him. He didn't even ask. I would've said yes, without a doubt. And Italy, that's so far away. It's basically the other side of the world from our perspective.

But atleast he promised me to never forget me. He'd said he'd call me. That's the only thing that can make me smile. The thought that he'd call me everyday. That I'd be on his mind. That he'd think about me.

I just hope that his dreams come true, because other wise, this would all be for nothing. And he deserves it.

Atleast he won't forget me.

I freeze. His dark curls are messy, his brown eyes wide as well. His tanned skin, still tanned. His grin is nowhere to be seen right now, as he is looking shocked at me.

"Sienna?" he asks, unsure. I haven't changed that much, have I? How can he be unsure?

"Yeah" I just mumble, looking at his face. He has facial hair now. When I last saw him, he didn't. But that was years ago.

Before I can do anything about it, Daniel pulls me in a hug. It takes me a minute to respond, slowly hugging him back. I don't know what to do or say, so I just stand there, my arms slightly around him.

"I can't believe that you're here" Daniel says, more like a mumble. I don't respond, not knowing how.

"What are you doing here?" he asks as he pulls away from me. The grin I used to love, is back on his face, as his eyes are not wide anymore either.

"I work here, kind off" I say, still in shock. I slowly feel myself go back to normal, but not completely.

"What, really? What do you do?" he asks me.

"I'm Max Verstappen's PR" I say softly. Daniel smiles wide and nods.

"That is amazing. That means I'll be seeing you around often then!" he says, sounding excited. And that's when I start to get mad. I frown at him, making him frown as well.

"How can you be so excited?" I ask him. He looks confused at the change in my mood, and because of my question.

"What do you mean? I missed you, it's good to see you" Daniel answers.

"Really? Then where were the phonecalls you promised? You never called, Daniel. You can not have missed me if you never even tried to keep in touch with me. Do you know how often I was just staring at my phone, hoping you would call me?" I ask him, feeling tears forming in my eyes. Daniel looks sad now as well.

"I thought about calling you. I just thought that if I did, it would only make it harder" he mumbles, looking down at the ground.

"You promised, Daniel. You said you'd call me, every day. You promised to not forget about me. You said I could visit you in holidays. None of that came true. And here you are, saying you missed me. Screw you" I say and want to talk away, but Daniel pulls me back.

"Just let me explain. I know I promised those things. I just didn't want to call you everyday and miss you even more. I hated myself for leaving you behind, I couldn't bare the thought of having to say bye to you every day over the phone. And I did keep my promise to not forget you. I thought about you every day. I never forgot about you, Sien" he says as finally, tears fall from your eyes.

Haunting - Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now