Chapter 25

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"You want me to wear what?" I ask Christian, staring at him. From beside him, I hear Evy giggling. Christian is just looking at me with a smrirk on his face, while I'm looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Lederhosen, I want you and the rest of the team to wear lederhosen" Christian repeats what he had told me a few seconds ago. I start to laugh, understanding that Christian is dead serious.

"I am not going to walk around in freaking lederhosen" I say.

"It's just for race day, Sienna" Christian says, still smiling. I shake my head. Evy frowns at me. I haven't told her anything yet. It's been 3 days since Daniel and I officially became a couple. I've seen Evy every day and I haven't even told her.

"You'll be the only one who won't be in lederhosen" Christian adds, making me frown.

"Joelle agreed?" I ask. From the corner of my eye, I can see Evy rolling her eyes, which makes me frown even more.

"Yes. Max and Daniel will get lederhosen on their race suits and they will wear it when they have the drivers parade. Please?" Christian asks. I sigh heavily and sit back.

"Fine" I mumble, not believing myself. Christian smiles satisfied.

"Now, take Evy for lunch and after, back to work" Christian says. Evy frowns, but gets up. I do the same and walk out of Christians office, having Evy follow me.

"Why did you roll your eyes?" I ask her, as she is walking behind me, not next to me.

"All you can think about these days is Joelle. It's like you replaced me with her" she says, making me stop in my tracks. I turn around and raise my eyebrow.

"Excuse me? Ever since you got here, you've been going on dates with Carlos, leaving me alone. Joelle is there for me when I need her, you aren't" I say. Evy rolls her eyes again, pissing me off.

"You think that you can do everything and treat me differently because you work for Christian, but you can't. I am not going to sit back and watch you be arrogant towards me" I say. Evy laughs in response.

"You need me. You don't have anyone except for Joelle" Evy says, making me frown. This time, it's me who laughs.

"I don't need you, sweetheart. It's you who needs me. The only person you have is Carlos. I don't understand why you're being like this, but I'm done. I am going to tell Christian that I don't want you living with me any longer. I'm done" I say and turn back around, leaving Evy with wide yes behind.

I walk into the lunch room, seeing Max and Daniel together at a table, laughing. Daniel's eyes land on me and he immediately frowns when he sees me. I sigh and walk towards them, letting myself fall onto a chair.

"What's up with you?" Max asks, while Daniel just looks at me.

"Got into a fight with Evy and Christian convinced me to wear those stupid lederhosen on race day" I say, groaning.

"What happened with Evy?" Daniel asks. I look at him, a smile immediately re-appearing on my face.

"She was being weird about me hanging out with Joelle and asking about her. She said that I was just needing her and I told her I'm done. I am going to tell Christian to get her an appartment, because I don't want her living with me" I explain. Joelle walks out way, a bright smile on her face.

"Hello team" she says and sits down. She frowns when she sees me. My phone buzzes and I check the text I just got.

Evy : can we talk? i don't want to loose you and there is something you need to know x

I frown.

U : fine, come to my office after lunch break

I reply, putting my phone away again. I then look at Joelle, frowning at her.

"Did you seriously agree with those lederhosen?" I ask her, not being able to let it go. She starts laughing and nods. I just sit back and eat my salad, while listening to the conversations. I am a bit out of it, thinking about Evy.

I walk back into my office, taking my seat behind the desk. A knock on the door makes me look up and Evy walks in.

"Look, before you start to yell, it's not what you think. Please, let me explain what is going on" Evy says, looking at me. I just nod and point to the seat in front of my desk. She takes it and takes a deep breath.

"So, Hayley contacted me, right after you put out that statement about Max and her. She was pissed off, her plan hadn't worked. She had seen your name under the statement, so she knew it came from you. She had contacted me, saying I should do what she says, or she'll hurt people I loved. I didn't want to believe her, but she had sent me a picture of someone following Carlos. Anyway, she told me to hurt you, atleast try to. I just tried to follow her demands" Evy says, making me frown.

"You should've came to me the moment it started" I say and Evy nods.

"I know, but I panicked. I didn't want them hurting Carlos" she says and I nod.

"Look, let's just ignore it. Just tell Hayley that we aren't speaking or something. But please don't follow her demands anymore. I don't want to fight with you" I say and she smiles.

"Me neither" she says. I nod and open my mail box.

"Sien?" I look up at Evy, who is smiling at me.

"How are you and Daniel?" she asks. I start smiling at the mention of his name.

"We're good. We are together" I say to her. Her eyes widen and her smile grows.

"But, we don't want the world to know yet, so please dont' tell anyone" Evy nods with a big smile. We talk a bit about how it happened and she was actually happy for me. She tells me her and Carlos are close to being together as well. They kind of have the same, not wanting the world to know about them.

"Maybe we can double date sometime" she says, smiling. I nod with a bright smile myself. Another knock sounds from my door and it opens. Daniel's head appears, smiling.

"Oh, hey" he says as he sees Evy. I smile at him and mention him to come in. He does so and closes the door. He looks kind of unsure of what to do.

"Evy knows" I tell him. He sighs and nods, walking over to me. He gives me a quick kiss and smiles at me.

"Do you wanna eat together tonight?" Daniel asks me, a bright smile on his face.

"Why don't you come to our place? Evy, you can invite Carlos" I say with a smile. Daniel looks at Evy, who smiles. She nods.

"Sure! I'm done now, so I'm going home, but text me when you get home, okay?" Daniel asks me. I nod and smile at him. He leans in and kisses me again.

"See you tonight" he says and leaves my office again. Evy is texting someone, probably Carlos. She is smiling, but frowns then.

"I have to go back to Christian. I'll see you tonight" she says and smiles at me. I nod and wave at her. I get back at my mail and sigh, not really feeling like working and aswering the same e-mails every day.


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