Chapter 22

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I groan when my alarm sounds, waking me up from my peacefull sleep. I was dreaming, dreaming of the date and of yesterday. Daniel had been giving me winks, air kisses and smirks all day long when he saw me.

It is now Friday, time for the first car day for the drivers. Max also has some events today. The meet & greet and she usual interview with Ziggo Sport.

I slowly get out of bed and walk out of my room. Evy is already in her clothes, walking around the room.

"Morning" I mumble. She looks up and smiles. Her eyes wander to the hickey in my neck, before she goes back to searching for something. Daniel had been laughing at me as well, for having a god damn hickey in my neck.

"Do you already have to leave?" I ask Evy. She nods and looks stressed.

"I can't find my god damn team pass" she mumbles, throwing away the pillows on the couch. I already see it laying under the couch and giggle. I walk over to it and grab it. She lets out a breath and quickly hugs me.

"Thanks babe. I'll see you later!" she says, grabs her bag and walks out of the room. I sigh and lean against the couch. A knock on the door makes me frown. I walk to it and see Daniel standing there, a bag in his hands.

"I brought breakfast!" he says, all excited. I smile brightly, letting him in. I suddenly realize what I'm wearing. Not much, just a big shirt, that luckily covers my butt. I want to walk to the bedroom.

"What are you doing?" Daniel asks. I turn back around and see him raising his eyebrow.

"I was going to change" I say, looking down at my shirt, pulling it slightly down. Daniel chuckles and walks over to me. He grabs my hand and leads me back to the couch.

"I don't mind you wearing just a shirt" Daniel says, pulling me down to sit. I giggle and ignore the insecure feeling. Daniel hands me a croissant and takes one himself.

"This is really sweet, Dan" I tell him, taking a bite from my croissant. Daniel just smiles to himself. His eyes wander off to the shirt I'm wearing, making me pull it down even more. Daniel chuckles and shakes his head.

He then looks down at his own shirt, before he gets a grin on his face. He finishes his croissant and stands up.

"Can I use your room key card? I'll be right back, I promise" he says. I nod and point to the little desk, where my key card is placed. Daniel kisses my cheek and quickly walks away. The door falls shut and I just start eating another croissant.

5 minutes later, the door opens again and Daniel walks back in. He places the card down on the desk again and walks over to me. He is holding something behind his back and he has a big grin on his face, worrying me.

"I remembered you asking me to wear a used shirt of mine, back in Milton Keynes, so" Daniel shows me what he is holding. It's a shirt of his, making me smile.

"I sprayed some aftershave on it, so it smells like me" he says, a small blush on his cheeks. I smile brightly and take it from him.

"I'll wear it every night" I tell him. Daniel smiles and sits back down. He takes the last croissant and finishes it.

"I'll leave you alone to get changed and get ready. I'll see you at the track, okay?" he asks me. I nod and smile.

"Thank you for breakfast, Dan" I tell him. He nods and kisses my forehead, leaving the hotel room. I sigh and slowly make my way to the bedroom. I put on some skinny jeans and a Red Bull shirt. I braid my hair, Dutch braiding it. I apply some make-up, hoping I'll look decent. I put some concealer on the hickey, covering it.

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