Chapter 2

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"I am moving, to Italy" Daniel says, making my eyes widen.

"What?" I ask, in disbelief. He is leaving me here?

"I am moving to Italy, all alone. It's my only chance if I want to make it to Formula 1, Sien" he says, looking sad. I feel tears coming into my eyes.

"But. Dan, you're my best friend. What do I do without you?" I ask him, making him chuckle slightly.

"You'll be fine, Sien. I know it. You have plenty of friends" he says, grabbing my hand. I always get butterflies when he does that.

"Yeah, but they're not you" I say. Daniel nods.

"I know. But I'll call you, everyday. And you can come and visit me when you have holidays" Daniel says, trying to make me feel better. It doesn't. My best friend is leaving, without me.

"I am going to miss you, Sien" he says, pulling me in for a hug. I put my arms tight around him, not wanting to ever let him go. I know I have to, but I don't want to.

"Please, don't forget about me" I whisper to him.

"I won't, ever" he whispers back. And I hope he means that.

It's the next day, my first day of work. Late last night, I got an e-mail from Christian, telling me that I'll meet Max today and that we have to work on a statement to give to the media, about the switch.

I put on my Red Bull polo, wearing normal skinny jeans with it. I put my hair up in a bun again, wanting to have it away from my face. I put on my white All Stars. I stare in the mirror as I'm done getting ready. I still can't believe that I got the job, but I don't have time to really think about it.

I quickly grab everything that I'll need before making my way to my car and drive to the Factory.


Sarah, the receptionist, gave me my staff pass. It looks so cool, seeing my name on it. I'm now walking through the halls of the Factory, to a conference room, where I'm meeting Max.

I finally reach it and open the door. A guy, who is scrolling on his phone, looks up and smiles. He stands up, while putting his phone down. I walk over to him and hold out my hand. He shakes it, while smiling.

"Hi, I'm Max Verstappen" he says.

"Hi Max! I'm Sienna Hudson, your new PR" I say back to him. Max nods, letting me sit down next to him.

"Christian told me that you'd help me with a good statement from my side of the story" Max starts right away, which I'm happy about. He is serious, I notice that straight away.

"Yes. I was thinking about the best way. Maybe you could just tell me what you want to say and we'll put it in the best way possible" I say, saying my ideas out loud. Max nods. I grab a notepad and my pen.

"Okay, why don't you say what you want to say, in your own words" I say, getting ready.

"I want to say that I am happy that I got this oppurtunity. That I will do my best to show the world that I got it. I'm so bad at this" Max mumbles the last part. I write it down.

"Okay, new plan. What about me writing the statement and you saying if it is okay with you?" I ask him, while smiling. Max sighs and nods.

"Yes, that would be better, thank you" he says. For an 18 year old, he sure does sound mature. I think that is what most people think about him, that he is just a kid.

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