Chapter 38

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After a long and tiring Friday, both Daniel and I are back in the hotelroom. My phone had rung the entire day, asking for interviews in Germany.

So now that I'm back, I throw my phone away, ready to relax.

"Almost baby, almost" Daniel mumbles, taking my hand and pulling me onto the couch. I smile and lay on my side against Daniel. His arm finds it's way around my waist.

"I can't wait to spend the entire summer in bed with you" I mumble. I feel Daniel chuckling.

"Doing what exactly?" he asks and I can only image the smirk on his face.

"Sleeping, what else?" I ask, smiling myself. Daniel turns on his side so he is facing me.

"I love you" Daniel says, making me smile.

"I love you too, Dan" I reply to him. He softly kisses my forehead.

"Do you just wanna lay in bed all night?" Daniel asks. I nod slowly, yawning. Daniel chuckles.

"Do you want my shirt?" Daniel asks as he takes it off. I nod and take it from him. I take off my clothes and put his shirt on, getting back in bed. Screw taking my make-up off.

"I wanted to ask you something" Daniel says, for some reason making me feel nervous. I just nod, signalling to him to continue.

"I was thinking about going to Christian. I wanted to ask him if I could have a PR change" Daniel starts.

"Why? What did Joelle do?" I ask, confused.

"Nothing, nothing. You just don't get it. I want to change, so you can be my PR" he says. I get a smile on my face, but don't say anything.

"It would mean we get to spend even more time together and it's way easier for everyone" Daniel says. He wants to continue, but I cut him off by kissing him.

"I'd love to be your PR" I say, making him laugh. I feel another meeting coming up.


Apart from the nice nights with Daniel, Hungary wasn't great. Daniel did manage to finish on the podium, but that was the only good thing. The race was pretty boring and the interviews were the same.

We've been home since yesterday and I can't wait to go away with just Daniel for 2 weeks and seeing his friends for the last one. But first, today, we're going to discuss the PR change with Christian, Jonathon, Max and Joelle. Daniel had called Joelle yesterday to discuss it. She said she wouldn't mind. Max was the same when I had called him. He actually understood that we wanted to spend some time together besides seeing each other in hotel rooms.

"Dan?! Are you ready?" I call to him as I put on my heels. I am wearing black jeans and a Red Bull shirt, with my usual 'Factory heels'. It's the only time I can wear heels, when I have a workday in the Factory. On track, I usually wear sneakers.

Daniel comes walking into the kitchen, wearing black jeans as well as a Red Bull shirt.

"I guess we're matching" he says, a grin on his face. I giggle and nod, seeing as he's putting on shoes that I got for him; beige Nike Airmax's.

"You look great, Dan" I say to him. He looks at me and chuckles when he sees the heels.

"It still amazes me how you can walk all day in those shoes" Daniel says, shaking his head. Being short means wearing heels most of the time. Atleast, that's what it means for me.

"Alright, let's go"


"Daniel, Sienna, it's good to see you both" Christian says. I smile at him while I greet the others as well. We're the last ones to arrive, so we just take our seats.

"So, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" Christian asks. I look at Daniel, who smiles at me.

"Well, Sienna and I have been talking. We also already discussed this with Max and Joelle. We wanted to ask if it was alright to change PR's. That way, Sienna can be mine and Joelle will be Max's" Daniel says. Christian frowns, just slightly.

"And why?" he asks.

"Well, as everyone here knows, Sienna and I are together. We are together a lot when we're in the UK, so it's easier to communicate about interviews and schedules. We also know each other well, so we'll work greatly together. And I just want to spend more time together" Daniel says, smiling at me. Max and Joelle just nod their heads.

"Alright. Max, what is your take on this?" Christian asks. We all know he has to ask everyone about this.

"Well, I agree with the reasons Daniel gave. It'll be easier for them. They would be great together with working and I know Joelle and I will be fine as well" Max says, smiling ever so slightly at me.


"Same actually. Dan and Sienna are great together and we all feel like they should be able to spend more time together. Max and I would work good together, they would work great together" Joelle says.

"Sienna? Do you have the same reasons?" Jonathon now asks. I look at him, as he hasn't talked before.

"Yeah. I'd love to work with Daniel. I know we'll stay professional when we have to. I also agree with the easier part. Daniel and I will be able to communicate about his schedule and interviews a lot easier. It'll just be great if we could spend time together on track as well" I say. Christian and Jonathon look at each and nod.

"Well. We like it. We've been wanting to do it for next season, but why wait? You'll start right away" Christian says.

"Right away?" Joelle asks, before I can.

"Yeah. We'll do the official signing later today. You can give each other's schedule's and stuff today. We'll make sure everyone knows about the change, so they know who to contact for who" Christian says. We all agree and get up to leave.

"Should we go to your office?" Joelle asks. I nod and lead the way, while Daniel and Max leave for their teams.


So, I had this chapter written, but Wattpad never saved it, so I had to re-write a lot. So I'm sorry if it's crappy!

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