Chapter 30

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The race was great! Max finished P2, which was a great achievement. It was his first podium after Barcelona. He drove amazingly, even having lead laps in the race.

He was in 3rd in the final lap, having Kimi behind him very closely. But the Mercedes guys had a collision again, causing Rosberg to slow down, so both Max and Kimi passed him, both getting onto the podium

Daniel finished 5th. He wasn't too happy about it, but also not too sad. It was decent, just with the right strategy it could've been a lot better. But he was quite relaxed after the race, making me happy as well.

I was very, very relieved to get out of those lederhosen. Daniel volunteerd to get me out of them. I let him. He felt like a winner after that night.

It's now the next day and we're back in the UK. I'm staying in Daniel's appartment until we're going to Silverstone.

In an hour, Daniel's parents will be here and for some reason, I'm nervous. Extremely nervous.

We're sitting in the couch. Daniel is watching some TV show that I'm not following. I bite my lip, trying to take my mind off of seeing them.

Suddenly, Daniel presses his lips against mine, pushing me back onto the couch. His tongue, without hesitation, moves to explore my mouth and I don't mind one bit.

"I told you to stop doing that" Daniel mumbles against my lips, while moving my shirt up. I giggle, looking at him.

"Why?" I ask him, remembering him doing the same thing to do.

"Because you're god damn sexy when you do that and all I can think about now is taking your clothes off" Daniel answers, making my mind race. I pull his head back to mine, kissing him again.

I lift Daniel's shirt over his head, moving my fingers over his abs. Daniel takes my shirt off as well, kissing between my breast. I let him do whatever, as it is distracting me, a lot.

"Dan? Do we even have time?" I ask, as his hands move to my jeans. He just nods, sliding my jeans down my legs.

"Are we seriously going to do it on the couch?" I ask him as he looks up to me. He chuckles.

"Do you want to do it on the couch?" Daniel asks, raising an eyebrow. I just giggle, giving Daniel his answer. I help him take of his own jeans, before he slides my panties off. He just grabs a condom and puts it on after taking his own boxers off.

He leans over me, kissing me and pushing into me at the same time. He moves my legs up, being able to go deeper. I just move my hands to his back again, grasping onto him.

"Fuck, Dan" I mumble, already having trouble breathing. Daniel smirks, but panting himself as well.

"Want me to go faster or slower?" Daniel asks. I love his slow pace, it's romantic and he kisses me a lot. But I need his fast pace, where we are both out of breath after 2 minutes.

"Faster, please" I mumble. Daniel nods and picks up his pace. I put my legs around him, making him smirk again. His arm muscles flex as he's getting a hard time holding himself up and moving this fast.

"Are you close?" Daniel asks, in between hard breaths. I just nod, not being able to talk right now. Daniel and I reach our high's at the same time, moaning out each others name.

Daniel lets himself fall on top of me, panting hard. I then realize that my nails are in his back. I slowly move my hands away.

"Did I hurt you?" I softly ask, not knowing how hard I dug my nails into his back.

"Just a little, but don't worry about it" Daniel mumbles, moving up to look at me. I just frown, but Daniel kisses me.

"I said, don't worry about it. If it really hurt me, I would've said so. I think it's hot when you do it. Shows me what I do to you" Daniel mumbles, softly kissing my neck. I just release a moan, moving my hands to Daniel's hair.

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