Chapter 42

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I am sitting on the bed in the hotel room, while Daniel is just brushing his teeth. The dinner was lovely. I've had a great time, just getting to know some team members.

But the phone call ruined my night. And now Daniel wants to talk about it, I just know it. But I know I am going to do either one of the following two things : get very angry or cry.

"Sien?" I take my eyes away from my hands in my lap to see Daniel looking worried. I just try to smile, feeling tears forming in my eyes. Daniel's worried expression only gets worse, as he walks over to me.

"Please don't cry, baby" Daniel sits down next to me, putting an arm around me, holding me close.

"Is this about the phone call?" he asks softly, trying to calm me down. I nod slowly, as some tears leave my eyes.

"Yeah, it was the Australian police" I say, not wanting to talk about it, but I know I have to.

"What was it about?" Daniel asks, lacing his fingers with mine. He softly rubs circles on my palm with his thumb.

"They found the bodies of my parents. The plane was found last week and they finally inditified all the bodies. My parents were between them" I manage to get out. Daniel's hold on me tightens. He stays silent for a bit.

"I'm so sorry, Sien" he mumbles, obviously not sure how to react.

"I knew they were dead, but having it actually confirmed makes it all so real" I mumble, wiping away my tears. Daniel grabs ahold of my face, looking at me.

"If you want, we could go to Australia instead of America, so you can be home" Daniel suggest, but I shake my head.

"No, I don't want to be there right now. I'm fine with going to America" I say, meaning it. Going to Australia will only depress me. Daniel nods slowly, a small smile on his face.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asks. I shake my head. Instead, I move myself onto Daniel's lap, wrapping my legs around his waist. Daniel starts smirking.

"I'll make you forget for a little while" he mumbles, before attacking my lips.


And then it was Sunday, race day. For some reason, I'm not that nervous. I am believing that Daniel can do something amazing on track.

Daniel is walking around with his headphones on, bopping his head along with his music. I am smiling at him but he doesn't seem to notice. Stuart is standing next to me, also with an amused expression on his face.

"Are you excited to be released of Daniel for a little while?" I ask him, as Daniel has now turned around.

"Well, I love Daniel, but he can be a pain in the arse, so yeah" Stuart answers, making me laugh. I know how annoying Daniel can be if he wants to, but I think it's easier for me to deal with him. I just treathen him that if he continues, no sex anymore. He always stops when I say that. He didn't stop, just once, and I had kept my promise.

"I'll keep an eye on him, making sure he doesn't eat too much unhealthy stuff" I tell Stuart, who grins at me.

"I'm sure you also make sure he gets enough excerzise, won't you?" Stuart asks, a stupid grin on his face. I just blush and turn my head away.

Daniel turns back around and walks towards us. He takes his headphones off for a second, smiling at us.

"Are you going to wish me luck or what?" he asks, copying Stuart's stupid grin. Stuart pads him on the shoulder.

"Good luck, mate" he says, before walking away from us. Daniel's eyes land on me.

"Good luck babe" I say, giving him a quick peck.

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