Chapter 39

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The day at the Factory was extremely long. Joelle and I spent it explaining each other's plans, but also some basic things.

For example, I told her about Max's preference for Dutch interviews, along with the interview he has with Olav Mol every race weekend.

Joelle told me that Daniel feels the need to swear, so I should watch him for that. She also said he likes interviews, but not really the weird kind. Although I had no idea what she meant by that, I'm sure I'll figure that out.

We signed the new contracts with Christian and officially put it out there.

But now, Daniel and I are at his appartment. I feel exhausted.

"Do you just want to order in?" Daniel asks, as I let myself fall onto the couch. But as I hit the couch, I realize I don't have any clean clothes here.

"Dan, I guess I need to get to my own appartment, I don't have enough stuff here" I mumble, feeling my stomach hurting. I need those things as well.

"Why don't you just move in with me?" Daniel asks, but freezes as he says so. I look up at him, my eyes a bit widened.

"What did you just ask me?" I ask, not believing what I heard. I think I heard it right, but seeing Daniel's reaction to it, he might not believe he said that. But then he turns around and starts smiling.

"You should move in with me. You basically live here anyway, that way your stuff would be here. Evy is moving out, so you'd have nothing to hold back, right?" Daniel asks me.

I look at him, feeling a smile creeping onto my face. My head says that it's too soon, but I don't care.

"Really?" I ask him, wanting him to be sure. Daniel grabs my hands and pulls me up.

"Really" he says, moving my hair out of my face. He leans in and kisses me softly.

"Why don't we try and do it before Germany?" Daniel asks, grinning. Evy is moving out tomorrow.

"Dan, we leave for Germany on Wednesday, which gives us one more day, tomorrow. That's impossible" I say. Daniel frowns.

"Well, we can start packing your stuff now and move it tomorrow" Daniel suggest and I have a hard time stopping myself from laughing.

"Dan, you are highly underestimating the amount of stuff I have" I say, raising an eyebrow at him. Daniel chuckles.

"We can start packing. I'll take some stuff to stay the night. We'll manage" Daniel says, looking extremely excited.

"Fine, let's go" I say, putting my heels on again.


An hour later and we're in my bedroom, moving boxes everywhere. We picked some up before coming here.

"Alright, why don't we start with your most important things? That way we can move those things tomorrow and come back later for the rest" Daniel says. I nod, opening my closet. Daniel's eyes widen.

"Told you" I sing, making Daniel laugh. He just grabs an huge amount of clothes and start folding them. I move to my make-up and shoes, wanting to have that with me as well.

After around 4 hours of packing, we have most of my important stuff packed up. I sigh and let myself fall onto my bed. All my nice decorating stuff is in a box, so my room looks very empty right now.

"We'll have to re-decorate my house as well now" Daniel mumbles, but he's grinning as he lays down next to me. I just lay my head on his chest, feeling at home in his arms.

"I don't mind, having your stuff in my house. It'll make it feel like it's really our place" Daniel continues, kissing the top of my head. I smile, knowing that we'll be together way more now.

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