Chapter 31

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Daniel's POV

I look at Sienna, seeing a smile play on her lips, but she seems deep in thoughts. It's as if she's processing what I just said.

"I love you too, Dan" she finally says, making the nervous feeling in my stomach move away. I smile brightly at her, leaning over to kiss her. I pull her up and push her towards the bedroom.

"Dan, your parents are here" Sienna mumbles against my lips, but I can feel her smiling.

"We better be quiet then" I reply, causing her to grin even more.


At exactly 7 P.M, there 4 of us walk into Joe's, making my dad smile brightly.

"It's like we're eating at my place" he says, sounding very excited. Sienna laughs along with my mum, while she grabs ahold of my hand. She walks in front of me, following the waiter to our table. Sienna and I sit next to each other while my parents sit across from us.

"It looks just so nice" my mum says, looking around the restaurant. I have always loved this place, from the moment I started racing for Red Bull. I have taken Sienna here a couple of times now, and she fell in love with it as well.

"Do you guys have to work during the week?" my dad asks, after we had ordered drinks. Sienna and my mum both went for white wine, while my dad and I just went for a beer.

"Yeah. I have some simulator work and Sienna has to do some office stuff" I reply, not really knowing what Sienna does anyway.

"Office stuff?" my mum asks, clearly not happy with my explanation.

"Yeah, answering e-mails and phone calls about interviews or events for Max. I also just see if there are any other things to do" Sienna says, explaining her work days to my parents. My mum nods, now happy with the answer.

A waiter comes to take our order.

"For me the burger with french fries, please" Sienna orders. The waiter smiles brightly at her, before writing it down. My mum orders a steak, while my dad does the same.

"And I'll have the same as her, please" I say, pointing at Sienna. The waiter nods once more and walks away. Sienna smiles at me.

"Aren't you supposed to be on a diet?" she asks me, an amused smile on her face.

"No one has to hear about this" I say and wink at her.

"So, Sienna. How is it working with Max?" my dad asks her. Sienna immediately gets a smile on her face. It is amazing how close Sienna and Max have become in such a short period of time.

"It is amazing. I love the job itself, but Max makes it even better. We've grown really close and he is a great person" Sienna answers.

"Isn't it weird that he is a couple of years younger than you?" my mum now asks. Sienna shakes her head.

"No. Although he is younger, I don't really notice. He acts really mature and is easy to get along with. You should meet him" she says. Suddenly, her eyes widen. She turns to me at first.

"Maybe your parents could come to the Factory tomorrow? I can give them a tour and they can meet Max" she suggests, now also looking at my parents. They get bright smiles on their faces as well.

"You should ask Christian if that's okay. I like the idea, though" I answer. Sienna nods and takes out her phone. She excuses herself to call Christian. She walks outside to call.

"She seems so excited about her work, it's amazing to see" my mum says. I nod and smile.

"Max said that she is like that while working as well. She always gets him smiling when he has to do an interview, just because she's that happy" I say, remembering how Max said that after the Austrian Grand Prix.

"She seems excited about Max as well" my mum says and frowns slightly. I wonder why, but I ignore it.

"Max is a great lad. He is just like me, joking around but serious when he needs to be. He is very sweet towards Sienna" I say. I really do admire their friendship. I mean, I have a good relationship with Joelle, but we are not as close as Max and Sienna are.

"Well, I'm glad she got that job then. Do you think Christian will agree?" my dad asks. Just then, Sienna comes back, a wide smile on her pretty face.

"He agreed. I can give you a tour tomorrow through the Factory and Max will be there as well" she says to my parents. They both nod while smiling. Sienna sits back down and smiles at me.

"Christian was pretty excited himself to see your parents again" she says to me. I smile at her and kiss her cheek. Just then, the food comes.


I wake up by a phone ringing. I groan and slowly open my eyes. I see Sienna grabbing her phone.

"Sienna Hudson, Red Bull Racing, how can I help you?" I can't help but smile at how professional she sounds when she says that. And sexy.

"Yes, that's me" she says.

"No, we won't be able to do that"

"No, Max does not want to have an interview about his private life" I frown. Is someone seriously calling her about Max's personal life?

"I understand that, but he is not comfortable talking about that"

"Because he is a Formula 1 driver, not a reality star" I now have to hold in a laugh. I can see Sienna getting annoyed.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we can't do that" she says again. She looks at me and sighs heavily, still listening to the man on the phone.

"Like I said, Max is not comfortable with it. You can interview him about racing, nothing else" she says, rolling her eyes.

"Okay then. Have a nice day. Goodbye" she takes her phone away from her eyes and sighs.

"It was very hard not to yell" she mumbles, putting her phone down and laying back down.

"Who was that anyway?" I ask her, curious as to who would ask for something like that.

"A German talk show. Didn't really listen to the name as I was still half asleep" she mumbles. She moves closer to me, while I wrap an arm around her. She is once again sleeping in my shirt, which looks very good on her.

"We still have an hour to sleep" she mumbles, nestling her face into my chest. I start grinning.

"Or something else" I say. I can feel her smile against my chest.

"Sleep, Dan. You know, when you lay still and have your eyes closed" she says, pressing her lips against my chest.

"Fine, but know that I will demand 2 rounds tonight" I tell her. Again, I feel her lips curl up in a smile.

"I have no problems with that. Now, sleep Dan" she says. I kiss the top off her head before I close my eyes, drifting back into a peacefull sleep.

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