Chapter 10

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I walk towards the team the next morning, feeling very hungover. I have a huge headache. My head is pounding harder with every step that I take.

"Morning Sienna" Femke says when she sees me, giggling at the way I'm looking. I just sigh heavily and lean against the couch. Today, we're flying back to England.

"You are looking like a freaking ghost" Jason says. He is a mechanic from Max's team. I smile at him.

"Thanks, makes me feel a lot better" I reply, sighing. I look up when I hear the elevator. Max walks out, not looking amused. I frown, walking over at him.

When I get close to him and he sees me, he slightly breaks down. He pulls me into a hug and I feel him shaking. I just pull him to the side, making sure the team doesn't see him like this.

"What the hell happened, Max?" I ask him, seeing him letting go of some tears.

"Hayley cheated" he just says, making my eyes widen. I immediately think back to the girl Daniel was kissing.

"You never guess who she kissed with" Max mumbles, trying to get himself together. I feel nervous for the answer. It can't be Daniel.

"Tell me" I just answer, grabbing Max's hand, trying to sooth him.

"Daniil" my eyes widen even more now. Daniil Kvyat.

"That guy really is a prick" I mumble, making Max chuckle. He then sighs heavily.

"This is supposed to be an amazing moment for me and then she goes and ruins it" Max says. I feel really bad for him. He just won a Grand Prix and his girlfriend cheated on him the same night.

"Max, I know this will be hard, but I need you to pull yourself together. If you walk out of the hotel looking like this, the media will make up literally anything. They didn't know you had a girlfriend, so you don't have to explain anything if they don't notice it" I explain. Max nods.

"I'll make sure to walk with Daniel. He'll cheer me up" he says and hugs me once more. Hearing his name makes my stomach drop, but I try to ignore that feeling.

"Thank you, Sienna" he says and we walk back to the team. Daniel is standing there with Joelle. Max walks over to them and says something to Daniel. Daniel nods and puts an hand on Max's shoulder.

I walk up to Joelle and smile at her.

"Damn, you look like crap" she tells me, making Daniel look up. I feel his eyes on me, but I ignore it.

"I feel like crap as well, so that's great" I reply, making her laugh.

"Did you have a good night, though?" she asks me, as we all move to the big bus that will bring us to the airport.

"Yeah, had a great time" I say, smiling. We all get in the bus and I keep feeling a pair of eyes on me.


I'm walking into the Factory a couple of hours later. Christian had asked me to come, he had to show me something. So I walk up to his office and knock on his door. I walk in and am greeted by a smiling Christian.

"Sienna! How are you?" he asks me as he stands up.

"Good, better than this morning!" I say, making Christian chuckle.

"Rough night out?" he asks and I just nod with a smile. Christian then signals me to follow him, which I do. We walk into the hallway, but he stops walking after a couple of meters.

"Look" he says and points to a sign next to a door.

Sienna Hudson. That's what the sign says. My eyes widen as I turn to Christian.

Haunting - Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now