Chapter 35

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The dinner was amazing. Daniel's parents never went with us, they wanted to have an early night in. We had a lot of fun, talking about a lot of things, laughing a lot. Evy and Carlos are incredibly cute.

The race was alright. Max came in 2nd, which is amazing. He had an amazing race, overtaking Nico Rosberg while the track was wet.

Daniel came in 4th, which was really great as well. Daniel himself was very happy with the result as well. He obviously wanted a podium, but this was the best he could do. He was happy for Max, though.

Daniel's parents left to go back to Australia this morning. It was very early and I was still half a sleep when I said bye to them. When I decided to go back to bed, my phone started ringing, frantically. I knew it was going to happen, but not when.

Max and Camilla wanted to put out that they were indeed in a relationship, because they didn't want to keep their relationship a secret. I had just hoped they wouldn't start calling at 6 in the morning, on my free day.

Max however, had simply posted a tweet, explaining his new and current relationship.

max33verstappen : there had been questions but I wanted to be the one to say this; i am indeed in a relationship.

That was it, no explanation, whatsoever. And that is fine, but instead of asking him, everyone started calling me. So that's where we are now, me sitting in an shirt from Dan on the couch, laptop in my lap and my phone to my ear.

"Thank you very much for the information, miss Hudson" the man I am currently calling wth says.

"You're very welcome. Have a nice day, sir" I answer and hang up. I sigh heavily, seeing that it is now 9 A.M. I glance towards the bedroom door, it being closed. I had told Daniel to go back to bed and that I'd be right there. That was in between phone call number 1 and 2, 3 hours ago.

I grab myself another cup of coffee and start debating if I should just take a Red Bull instead. Just when I sit down, my phone starts ringing, again. But this time, the called ID isn't unknown.

"Good morning, Christian" I say, trying my best to sound happy and not exhausted.

"Good morning, Sienna. How are you?" he asks. I doubt wether I should just be honest. He would know if I lie, right?

"Honestly, exhausted. What about you?" I ask. I hear him chuckle, probably expecting that answer.

"I am fine, just a little surprised about a certain tweet from a certain Dutch driver" Christian says, making my eyes widen. Right, forgot to warn him.

"Right. I'm sorry, Christian. Max told me last night but because of the whole last night with Dan's parents thing, I forgot to tell you" I explain, hoping he wouldn't be too mad.

"It's okay, Sienna. I read that some of the media have already talked to you, so I knew you must've been exhausted" Christian says, but I hear that there is more to come.

"We do have another situation and I actually need you and Daniel at the Factory, as soon as possible" he says, making me frown. A nervous feeling immediately starts to grow in my stomach.

"Is everything alright?" I ask.

"Honestly, I don't know, because I don't know what's true or not" he says.

"Do I need to worry?" I ask, getting up from the couch to wake up Dan.

"Depends on what parts of the story I heard are true. Until we got through the meeting, please avoid using your phone for private reasons, or at all. Tell Daniel the same. I expect you two at the Factory in an hour" Christian says, stress suddenly evident in his voice.

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