Chapter 36

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After the meeting with Joelle and Christian, who were slightly on edge about everything, Daniel and I went back home.

"I can't believe she'll try something like that" Daniel mumbles, pulling up the car in a parking spot. I just nod, getting out of the car. Daniel, who now frowns, walks after me.

"Sien? What's wrong?" he asks me. I turn around when we're in the house.

"I don't know why, but for some reason I believed Maya, straight away" I say, feeling guilty for sayin so, but it's the truth.

"Why would you believe her? Maya and I were broken up and you and I were going on dates and growing closer together" Daniel says, his voice soft and small. He is probably hurt by my statement.

"I wasn't even mad, because we wouldn't have been together, but I just thought about how you wouldn't have kept your promise. Like I said, I don't know why, but it didn't seem impossible to me" I explain.

"Sienna, why would I go back to her if I was and am madly in love with you?" Daniel asks, shocking me. I just stay silent and stare at him. Daniel looks hurt, so he turns away and walks into the bedroom, throwing the door shut, hard.

I sigh heavily and let myself fall onto the couch. That went well. And to make it even better, my phone buzzes. But this time, it's a Twitter notification. A DM.

Mayastewart : i don't know what you're on about from Monaco
SiennaHudson : sweetheart, I was with Daniel the night in Monaco. I stayed the night, so your story doesn't really add up
SiennaHudson : you're probably just pregnant from that Ferrari guy but wants Dan's money
Mayastewart : you were with him back then?
SiennaHudson : i was, cooked for him, cuddled with him, slept in the same bed
Mayastewart : oh.
SiennaHudson : if I was you, I'd take away the statement, Daniel is going to file a lawsuit if it isn't away by the end of the day. You are hurting his reputation and we have prove that we were together that night.

Okay, that was a total bluf. He was not doing that, but I'd do that if it isn't away by the end of the day. I get another notification, but not from Maya.

danielricciardo : guys, i am not going to be a dad. The story is made up and therefor not true. I am happily together with SiennaHudson so don't worry

I smile and retweet it. Enough of social media for today. I close the app and lay on the couch, absolutely exhausted. I close my eyes, just for a second.


"Sien?" someone is shaking me. I groan, slowly opening my eyes. Daniel's brown eyes meet mine and he is slightly smiling. He is kneeled down next to me, moving some pieces of hair away from my eyes.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep. I have so much to do" I say, wanting to sit up, but Daniel pushes me back down.

"No, you don't. Sien, you look exhausted and seeing as you just slept for 2 hours, you are. I called Christian to say that you won't be able to do any work today. He understood" Daniel explains. I sigh and lay completely down again.

"He also said that Maya took down the statement" Daniel says, slightly frowning but a smile on his face. I smile to myself, so it worked.

"That's good" I say. Daniel moves my head up and sits down, laying my head down in his lap. He starts playing with my hair.

"Sien? I want to say that I slightly understand. I didn't even deny it at first, so I kind of get why you believed it. I just want you to know that I would never do that. Because at that moment, I was already in love with you. I was so pissed at Max for calling you, because I really wanted to kiss you. What I'm trying to say, I don't want to loose you, so I won't ever do that to you" he finishes, still moving his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry, Dan. I was just scared. I didn't mean to upset you by it" I say, looking up at him. He is smiling.

"It's okay, baby" he says, making me smile as well.

"New nickname?" I ask him, making a smirk form on his face.

"Yeah, it sounds cute, right?" he asks, twirling a strand of hair around his finger.

"Sure, babe" I say, smiling. Daniel just continues playing with my hair until I fall asleep, again.


"I'll ask her when she wakes up" I slowly open my eyes, to see Daniel with his phone to his ear. He is watching TV, while my head is still in his lap. I have moved to my side, my face pressed against Daniel's stomach.

"No, she is exhausted, mate. She was up early because people kept calling about you" he says. Ah, so he is calling with Max.

"Off course she's not mad at you. It's her job, but they were pretty annoying" I just move around and Daniel looks down at me, smiling when he sees me awake.

"Max, hold on, mate" he says.

"Max asks if we like to hang out with him and Camilla tonight" Daniel asks me, moving his hand through my hair again. I smile and nod, cuddling into him more.

"Alrighty, you and Camilla can come over around 7?" Daniel asks in the phone, while his eyes are glued on mine.

"Sure, you can bring pizza" Daniel says, smirking at me. We both love pizza a lot, he just can't eat it too often because of his training schedule.

"Alright, see you later" and then Daniel hangs up.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty" he says, chuckling at me.

"Was I asleep for long?" I ask, ignoring his comment.

"Another 2 hours or so" Daniel says. I nod, wanting to cuddle with Daniel.

"Dan?" I ask.


"Could you lay down so we can cuddle?" I ask him, causing him to chuckle. He nods though, moving into a comfortable position on his side. I press my face against his chest, moving an arm around his side.

Daniel's arm is around my waist, drawing circles on my back.

"Sien?" I nod against his chest, being very comfortable.

"You never talk about your parents. And I don't want you to get upset, I was just wondering what happened" Daniel says. I freeze straight away.

"Right. 2 years after you left to Italy, they went away on holiday. I stayed at Evy's house, but they never returned. Their plane disappeared and they never got found" I mumble, wanting to be straight forward and not be weird about it.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry, Sien" Daniel mumbles, pressing a kiss against my head.

"It's okay. It's one of the reasons I moved to England for a degree instead of doing it in Australia. I had to get away from there" I say.

"Yeah, I understand. I'm sorry that happened" Daniel says. I just nod, not really wanting to say any more about it.

"We should plan the summer break" Daniel says. I get a smile on my face and nod.

"Do you want to go home?" I ask him.

"I don't know. I'd like to spend some time with just you as well" Daniel says, sighing. It must be hard for him, being away from everything in Australia. I don't really have anything left there.

"I go wherever you go, so don't worry about that" I mumble and it's true. I'd follow that crazy Australian everywhere.

"We could go to California. Maybe I can ask some of my friends to go over there for a week, so I can spend time with you and them" Daniel suggests. I smile, loving America.

"Sure! We could travel though, going to different cities! That'd be nice" I say and Daniel agrees. I guess we better start planning.

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