Chapter 59

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* November 27, Abu Dhabi*

The smile growing on my face is due to the fact that Daniel comes over to finish line in P5. Also, because Nico Rosberg just became World Champion. Team members start cheering, as we finished the season in a good way, Daniel secured P3 in the Championship standings, which is an amazing achievement.

"Thank you so much, everyone. Thanks for the hard work throughout the season. I feel extremely grateful to be apart of this team" Daniel's voice sounds through my headset. I got one, just for the last race of the season.

Simon makes his way over to me, pulling me in a hug. I smile, feeling grateful to be apart of this team as well. I made the best of friends and I feel as if these guys and girls are my family.

"That's worth a drink!" Simon tells Daniel through the radio. I hear Daniel's laughter through my ears, making me smile widely.

"Go get your guy. Have fun with the interviews" Simon tells me. I nod and take my headphone off. I hand it to him and make my way out of the garage and towards Daniel.

I walk into the weight room and see Daniel just walking off. He turns around and smiles widely, as he already has his helmet and balaclava off. I make my way over to him, putting my arms around his neck the first chance I get.

"I'm so damn proud of you" I mumble, not wanting to start crying. Daniel chuckles slightly, holding me close.

"Thanks babe. I love you" he mumbles back. I kiss his cheek, before we both walk to Stuart. Daniel hands him his helmet and balaclava and Stuart hands him his cap. Stuart gives Daniel a hug as well, before I take him to the post-race interviews.

He moves past everyone that wants to speak to Daniel. Whenever he and Max cross pats, Daniel hits Max's arm, making Max laugh everytime. Once we're done, Daniel just pulls me to his motorhome. Once the door is closed, he turns to me and presses his lips against mine. I put my arms around his neck, while he moves us to his couch. He lifts me onto his lap, holding me close to him.

"I love you" Daniel mumbles between kisses. I smile at him, pulling myself closer to him body. A knock on the door makes us pull away from each other.

"Daniel, Sienna! Team meeting!" someone yells and I giggle. Daniel puts me down, kissing me quickly, before taking my hand. We walk to the Red Bull garages, where the entire travel team is standing. Daniel and I get handed a glass of champagne, before Daniel moves to stand next to Max. I move next to Joelle, who smiles and puts her arm around me. Christian stands in front of everyone, smiling at each and every single one of us.

"Alright. I won't be very long, because some people would want to party. I just want to thank every one for an amazing season. It turned out to be way better than we ever thought was possible. Let's start with Spain. Max joining us at Red Bull, having an amazing debut and winning Red Bull's first victory since 2014. Then the podium from either Max or Daniel in Monaco, Austria, England, Hungary and Germany, which was a double podium. The good results kept coming with Daniel on the podium in Belgium and Singapore. And then the best race we've had this season. Malaysia, Daniel winning, Max getting second position. It was the best result as a team, but I also want to say how proud of you both I am. You fought, but it was clean, you gave each other room. It looked as if you thought that if one of you won, it would be good. You showed how much you respect each other and how good of a friendship you have. Then Japan, Max securing 2nd position, even though so much people got on his back. Amazing. Then Austin and Mexico, amazing drives, from both of you with the good results. But then Brazil. I mean, you know how everyone thinks about it, Max. But thank you for showing that you are an amazing driver. You proved everyone wrong who said you weren't as good as people said you were. Again, also good team work, helping each other with race lines and tyres. And then lastly, today, you both drove amazingly, pushing each other like teammates should. I want to thank both of you, for showing us amazing things on the track and also for being amazing people away from it" by now, I have tears on my cheeks, as I realize how well they both did. It makes me incredibly proud to be apart of it. I'm also crying because of hormones, but that is something Daniel doesn't know yet. He gets his wish after all.

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