Chapter 53

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"Daniel! Move your ass quicker!" I yell through our hotel room. We are flying from Singapore to Malaysia today and like always, Daniel is taking forever.

"I'm coming!" Daniel yells back, rushing through the room to collect all of his belongings. I am just standing at the door, arms crossed, waiting for him to be done. Daniel keeps searching for something and I frown.

"What the hell are you looking for?"

"My freaking passport, I can't find it anywhere and I can't remember where I put it!"

"Seriously, Dan. Ever since we got together, have you ever held your own passport? I have yours, dumbass!" I tell him, slightly raising my voice in annoyance. Daniel just stares at me for a few seconds, before a small blush creeps onto his cheeks. That makes my annoyance fly out of the window.

"Are you ready now?" I softly ask. Daniel slowly nods, grabbing our suitcase and walking over to me. I open the door for him and he walks out for before me.

While Daniel moves to the minivan, I just hand in our key card, thanking the lovely lady behind the desk. I get into the van myself, waiting for the team to be complete.

Max and Joelle get in as well. Every last family member that isn't going to Malaysia went home yesterday, including Daniel's parents and Victoria.

"See, we're not the only late ones!" Daniel says, smiling proudly at himself for not being the very last one to arrive.

That are Stuart and Julia, who are holding hands. Julia blushes when she sees me looking, but I just smirk at her. Jake gets in as well and the van hits the road towards the airport.


An hour later and we're walking through the airport, waiting for our flight to start boarding. We have another hour to kill before that happens.

Daniel, Stuart, Julia and I are all together, making our way towards Starbucks. There is literally nothing else we do at airports.

"So, what was the whole handholding about this morning?" Daniel asks the pair, who now both blush. I just grin at them, while Stuart coughs to try to think of an answer. Julia sighs, before speaking.

"We kind of kissed a couple of times and thought we'd give it a shot" Julia just says, probably knowing we were never going to let it go. Daniel and I grin at each other, before looking at the pair. Stuart just sighs heavily, being dramatic.

"Let us have our happy moment!" Daniel says, pouting.

After ordering and taking our drinks, we make our way to the gate. I am glad this won't be such a long flight, although I have some work to do. After spending some time with Daniel's parents, I couldn't be bothered to do much in the evenings and nights. I tried to work in the night one time, but Daniel distracted me.

"You know which race weekend I'm excited for?" Daniel asks us, a very wide grin on his face. Stuart and Julia both shake their heads, so Daniel looks at me.

"I'm guessing Austin"

"Heck yeah!" Daniel replies, making me giggle slightly.

"Ah, good old Texas. Who doesn't love Austin?" Stuart then asks, taking Julia's hand in his again. I smile at the two, not really answering anymore. I get into my own little world, knowing what I have planned for Daniel and I in Austin.

Between Japan and Austin, there is a 2 week break. Daniel and I will be going a few days early to Austin, to spend some time together and because I know how much Daniel loves America.

"Sien?" I look at Daniel, who is smirking at me. Julia and Stuart have walked off, into the queue of boarding.

"Sorry, what?" I ask. Daniel leans in and softly kisses me.

"I need my passport again. Oh and my boarding pass would help as well" Daniel tells me. I giggle and nod, taking both out and handing Daniel his. We both get into the queue as well. I can spot several Red Bull members, not because I know everyone that well, but because of the many team polos.

I've started to love wearing the team shirts, without any specific reason. I just do.

Once we're in the plane, I take out my laptop and start working. Daniel just listens to his music, closing his eyes. I put my earbuds in my laptop and play some music as well.

I answer all the e-mails and take care of the press conference transcript. Luckily, they gave me a little longer this time, which is something I don't understand.

Jocelyn had asked me to send it to her today, so I hope to finish it on the plane, wanting to be done with it.


Another country can be added to my list of visited countries, as we're in Malaysia. The team members that flew today are standing in the lobby, while everyone gets handed their keys. Daniel collects ours, walking back to me.

"Are you ready to sleep? Cause I am" Daniel says, handing me the key cards, while he takes the suitcase with him.

"You have no idea how tired I am. I wish I could've slept on the plane, like you"

"Well, I didn't sleep much with that turbulance"

"I know, you kept mumbling as well" Daniel just chuckles at himself, knowing he mumbles in his sleep. I usually can't even hear what he is saying, it's just random words.

"You know what I crave?" Daniel asks me. I shake my head as I open our room.

"Our own bed" he says, walking into the hotel room and letting himself fall onto the bed.

"Well, that's something you won't be getting for a while" I say, making Daniel sigh. It's sometimes tough, living in hotel rooms, especially when you know you won't be going home for awhile. Japan is a back to back race, the weekend after Malaysia.

"I know" Daniel sighs, sitting up again. I open the suitcase, taking out some comfy clothes, along with my make-up remover.

After getting ready for bed, I just get in, laying down next to Daniel. He kisses me softly.

"Good night, baby"

"Good night, Dan"


The sound of the most annoying alarm, wakes me up. I groan and roll over, straight into Daniel's arms. I smile and press closer against him, while he kisses the top of my head.

"Good morning" Daniel mumbles, his voice raspy. I just press my lips against his chest, a smile on my face.

"Good morning"

"As much as I love this, we have to be at the track in an hour" Daniel mumbles. I sigh, not wanting to move away from Daniel. Daniel chuckles, moving away slightly. I cling onto him, making him laugh.

"Sien, we can continue this tonight, I promise" he tries. I sigh once again, letting go of Daniel.

"Do you feel like showering?" Daniel asks, as I snuggle into the bed.

"We don't have time for that. You go" I reply. Just as I think that he is walking away, he lifts me up, making me squeal.

"You didn't think I meant showering alone, did you?"


Haunting Wednesday! My favorite day off the week (along with the other days that I post Haunting)

Next chapter will be up on Sunday!


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