Chapter 28

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"So, I'll pick you up at 8, okay?" Daniel asks me, as we're walking into the hotel. It's now 6, so I have two hours, which should be enough.

"Yeah, that should work" I reply, smiling at Daniel.

"Good, don't wear anything too fancy" Daniel says, before kissing my cheek and walking to his room. I nod and just take a elevator to my room. Daniel went with the stairs, doing some extra exercises. But I don't really feel like doing that.

I open my room, throwing my bag onto the bed. I am already starting to get annoyed by being more in hotel rooms than my own room. Before I can do anything, my phone starts ringing.


"Hey, it's Joelle. I am arranging the flights and all for Daniel's parents. Daniel said that they would stay the entire week. So I let them arrive on Monday afternoon. But, do you mind staying in Daniel's room when we go to Silverstone? That way, Red Bull doesn't have to book any extra rooms" Joelle asks me. I smile, as if she doesn't know that answer.

"Sure, no problem" I say.

"Oh good. Have fun tonight" she says and I can just hear the grin in her voice. I thank her and we hang up. I walk towards my suitcase and take out an outfit. I go for black jeans and a white top. I straighten my hair, and then move on to my make-up. I smile to myself when I'm done, happy with my look.

I quickly grab my phone to check my social media. Not much is going on, so I just sigh and wait for Daniel to come.


At exactly 8 P.M, there is a knock on the door. I smile, as I stand up to walk to the door. I put my phone in my back pocket and grab my key card before I open the door. Daniel is standing there, looking handsome as ever. He is wearing light jeans and a grey shirt. His curly hair has some gel in it and he is wearing aftershave, my favorite.

He is holding a red rose, smiling widely.

"You look stunning, Sien" Daniel mumbles, looking at me. I smile at him.

"You look very handsome yourself, Dan" I say, as Daniel holds out the rose to me. I grab ahold of it and smile even wider. It are little things like these that make me realize how much I need him.

"Are you ready?" He asks me. I nod and let my room door fall close. He grabs my hand and leads me to the elevator. He presses the top button, making me frown. He just smiles at me, pressing a kiss against my cheek.

"Have you eaten?" he suddenly asks.

"No, why?" I ask, very curious. Is there a restaurant on the top floor that I didn't know about?

"Good" Daniel just answers, confusing me. I just let it go, as we reach the top floor. Daniel pulls me along, walking the long hallway. He opens a door that leads to a set of stairs.

"We're almost there" Daniel says, walking in front of me. When we reach the top, Daniel opens the door and I gasp.

He leads me onto the roof, where a picnic blanket is laid out. Soft music is playing and more roses are laying around.

"Dan" I mumble. He looks at me and bites his lip.

"Do you like it?" he asks, suddenly sounding unsure.

"I love it, Dan" I answer him. Daniel and I sit down, as he grabs glasses. This time, no alcohol.

"I still have a race to drive tomorrow" he mumbles. I giggle and nod. He hands me a glass of sparkling water. He also hands me a slice of pizza, making me smile.

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