Chapter 17

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The Canadian Grand Prix weekend was overall great. The team dinner was just amazing. I had a lot of fun, getting to know more team members. Jason, Alec and Liam are my favorite team members. They are all mechanics and each others best friends.

Evy had gotten to know many members as well, and she loved it. Femke has done a great job as well, as I'm also getting to know her better.

Max qualified 5th on Saturday, behind Daniel. It was still good, I was happy for him. He said himself that he could've done better, but he was pretty happy about it.

He finished the race Sunday in 4th position, which was really great! In the last couple of laps, Nico Rosberg challanged him, almost overtaking him, but he blocked and spun, making sure Max secured 4th position.

We flew back to Milton Keynes yesterday. Today is my first day back at the Factory. We fly to Baku in 2 days, which is the shortest amount of time I've had between races.

Christian had asked me yesterday to stop by his office, making me slightly nervous. I don't know what he wants to talk about, but I'm sure it's not something really important.

I walk up to his office and knock on the door. When I hear him call me in, I open the door and close it behind me.

"Good morning, Sienna" Christian says, smiling at me. That is a good sign, right?

"Good morning" I say, smiling back at him. I take a seat in front of his desk, like I usually do when I'm here.

"I just want to talk to you about Evy. I know she is your friend and that she does not have a degree, but we kind of need her in another department" Christian starts off, making me frown.

"Where?" I just ask, very confused.

"We feel like the internship is not working. It's just because you can't let her do the things you might want her to do. Don't worry, we are not sending her away. She will still be doing PR work, but not helping you" Christian starts off, not really making me any less confused. So I just nod, hoping he will explain what is going on.

"She'll be kind of my PA, helping me with everything, booking flights, planning interviews for me and such. I'll be able to tell her what to do, so it will be less hard. I feel like I can tell her more than you can, as I'm your boss as well, it's my responsibility if something goes wrong. She will still be travelling to all the races, so don't worry" Christian explains, smiling. I get a smile on my face as well.

"As much as I liked her working with me, I feel like that would be better for her" I say, realizing she wasn't doing much.

"Good. I will call her in later today, after having worked everything out. You can just go back to work, I'll arrange everything with her school" Christian says.

"Okay, thank you" I say and say bye to him, before walking out of the office. I decide to just skip my office part of the day for now and walk towards the simulator room, I know both Max and Daniel are there, 'racing' against each other.

I open the door and see Max sitting in the simulator now, working on a lap. Daniel is leaning against the wall, watching, but when he notices me coming in, he looks up and smiles.

"Hey Sien!" he says, all excited. I smile and walk over to him, standing next to him. I look at the lap Max is racing.

"Hi! Is he beating you?" I ask Daniel, grinning at him. Daniel chuckles and shakes his head.

"Nope, not yet, I'm just too good" Daniel says, making me roll my eyes. Daniel chuckles at my reaction, but looks at Max again. He finishes the lap and is slower than Daniel was. Not much, but still slower. Max gets out of the simulator, sighing heavily.

"I don't understand how you can take that corner so fast" Max mumbles, while smiling at me. He kisses my cheek. I smile at him, before he starts talking to Daniel about the track and its corners. I zoom out, just standing there.

"Sien?" I look up to Daniel, who is now alone. Max has gone into the simulator again, now for a complete session.

"Do you wanna go and grab lunch?" he asks me. I nod and walk away with him. We walk towards the lunch room, where we both grab a salad.

"Do you maybe want to have a movie night tonight?" Daniel asks me. I look up at him. Last time we spend time together alone was Monaco. But I do miss him.

"Sure! Should I just come with you after work?" I ask him. Daniel smiles widely, before nodding.

"Yeah, should be the best thing to do. We could get food on our way?" Daniel asks me, taking a zip from his juice. I nod, smiling at Daniel.

"Sure! Can we get sushi?" I ask with a big smile. Daniel chuckles and nods.

"Sure. I'll wait for you to finish work. You finish at 5, right?" Daniel asks. I nod slowly.

"I guess. I have to do some stuff after lunch, so I hope I'll finish in time, but just come to my office when you're done" I tell him. He agrees to that. We both finish our food and Daniel goes back to the simulator room, while I walk towards my office.

When I sit down behind the computer, I suddenly realize it. I'll be alone with him, for an entire night. I suddenly feel nervous, about spending time with him. Although he is my best friend, something tells me that I don't see him as just a best friend.

It finally hits me when I open the first e-mail I have to answer. I'm in love with my best friend.


After a couple of hours doing my usual things, Daniel walks into my office, smiling. I press away my thoughts from earlier and smile back.

"Are you ready?" he asks me. I nod snd shut my computer off. I put my notepad in my bag and throw it over my shoulder. I grab my phone and put it in my back pocket.

I walk after Daniel out of the Factory. I then realize that Evy is waiting at my car, ready to go back. She is frowning when she sees Daniel and me walking together. He turns around and looks at me.

"Give me one minute" I tell him. He nods and walks to his car. I make my way over to Evy.

"You can drive the car back. I am having a movie night with Dan" I say to her. She just nods slowy.

"Christian said he had already told you about my new job" she says, smiling slightly. I nod and smile at her.

"Is it alright if we talk about when I get back tonight?" I ask her. She smiles slightly and nods. I hand her the car keys.

"Have fun" she simply says. I thank her and walk to Daniel's car. I get in the passenger side and buckle up.

"Ready?" he asks. I nod and smile. Daniel nods as well and drives away.

A Sienna and Daniel moment coming up!


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