Chapter 49

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*1 week later*

Italy was amazing, except for the results. The weather was amazing, I even got a tan, but Daniel finished 6th and Max finished 7th. Not such a good weekend.

Up until now, I still haven't done a test. I haven't found the time and courage to take one. It's bad, but I can't help but prospone it, every day for the past week.

I'm now sitting next to Daniel on the plane. My head is on his shoulders, while his arm is around me, holding me close to him.

"Sien?" I nod my head, letting him know I heard him and that I'm awake.

"When we're home, we have got to do the test" he mumbles, soft enough for no one to hear. I sigh softly, but nod once more. Daniel's grip on my waist tightens slightly and I nestle my head against his chest.

"I'm scared, Dan" I mumble, finally telling him how I feel about this. The past days have been horrible for my emotions. I've been thinking non-stop about having kids with Daniel. I could only imagine little Daniel's running around. A girl or boy with curly brown hair, a tanned skin and brown eyes. It drove me nuts.

"I know, so am I" Daniel replies, kissing the top of my head. Right now, I can only imagine that tiny baby in my stomach, which might not even be there. It's a weird feeling. I know if I had a choice, I wouldn't want a child right now. But if it's happening, I'd be happy that it is with Daniel.

"What do we do if it is happening?" Daniel asks me. My head is spinning, just thinking about it.

"Let's not talk about that now. When we're home maybe" I answer to Daniel. He nods and sighs himself. I want to be home, but I also don't want to be home.


I'm standing in the queue at the farmercy, a pregnancy test in my hand. When I look down at it, my hand is shaking.

Daniel is waiting in the car outside. I am wearing a hoodie of his, my hair in a messy bun. I must look like a mess, as that's how I feel.

I put the test down to pay for it. The woman behind the desk smiles at me, as she accepts my money.

"Good luck" she says softly as I walk away. I smile slightly at her, before exiting the shop. I walk towards Daniel's car, getting in the passenger seat. He starts driving back towards our apartment. The only thing that keeps me smiling is thinking about our apartment. Us living together.

"You're shaking, Sien" Daniel says, as he grabs ahold of my hand. He places our hands in his lap, rubbing circles on the back of my hand, while his eyes stay on the road. I sigh and lean my head against the window.

"We'll be alright, Sien. No matter what" he mumbles, kissing my hand. I don't say anything, just looking at the buildings.


Daniel and I are sitting on the couch. I'm drinking water, to make sure I have to pee. Daniel is holding onto me, waiting for me to take the test. The stick is laying in front of us, ready to be used.

I feel the pressured feeling and I sit up.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asks me. I giggle slightly, just thinking about how immature we're both being about this.

"I need to pee" I say, grabbing the stick and walking to the bathroom. I pee on the stick, sighing to myself when I'm done. I put the timer on 2 minutes, walking back to Daniel with the stick in my hand.

I lay it down on the table, sitting back down on the couch. I put my legs up, hugging them to my chest.

"Sien? What's gonna happen if that test is positive?" Daniel asks softly, putting an arm around me. I look at him, not sure what will happen.

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