Chapter 12

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You can't wake up, this is not a dream
You're part of a machine, you're not a human being
With your face all made up, living on a screen
Low on self-esteem, so you run on gasoline
I think there's a flaw in my code
These voices won't leave me alone
Well my heart is gold and my hands are cold.

I am standing with Max at the entrance of an amusement park. It's in London, so after this, I'll pick up Evy, who is now on a plane on her way to here.

"Are you curious about who Daniel will bring along?" Max asks. I nod, not really knowing what to expect.

"I am. The only thing I hope is that it isn't Maya" I say, making Max chuckle.

"If it is Maya, I will kill him" Max says, now making me laugh. A car pulls up, parking. I smile when I recognize Femke stepping out of the passenger side. She smiles at Max and me. She gives both of us a hug, while Sebastian greets Max. He turns to me and smiles.

"Hi, I'm Sebastian" he says, extending his hand to me. I shake it, returning the smile to him.

"Hi, I'm Sienna" I reply. Sebastian nods and puts his arm around Femke. I smile at the two of them, they look cute together.

"So, what is the plan? Like do we just walk with the entire group or do we split up?" Femke asks.

"I thought we could just go together first, and maybe after the lunch we can split up" I say, hoping that everyone agrees. Sebastian and Femke both nod, and I know Max had already agreed.

Another car pulls up and Joelle gets out first, from the back. She rolls her eyes as she gives me a hug.

"Don't show any emotion towards the person Daniel brought, please" Joelle whispers to me. I have no idea why, but I just nod. Joelle greets the others, as Daniel walks around the car to open the passenger door. A girl gets out, making my heart stop for a second, but I try to not show anything. Daniel grabs her hand and pulls her towards us. He smiles at all of us, while everyone is just a bit awkward.

"So, this is Kate. Kate, this is Max, Femke, Sebastian and Sienna" Daniel says, naming me as last. I just try to smile at her. Joelle hooks her arm through mine as we start walking.

"He wants to make you jealous. Take my advice, get close to Max today" Joelle whispers, before letting go of me and walking with Femke and Sebastian. I frown at what she said. Daniel wants to make me jealous? Well, two can play that game.

I hook my arm through Max's. He looks down at me, smiling.

"Are you excited?" I ask him, as we all get a ticket and enter the park.

"Very! I wanna do all the roller coasters!" he says, sounding very excited. I'm glad he looks a bit more happy than yesterday.

"Am I allowed on them with you?" I ask him. He nods with a big smile, grabbing onto my hand instead and pulls me to the front of the group. Daniel and Kate are walking there and Max walks up to them.

"You guys coming onto a rollercoaster with us?" Max asks them. Daniel now looks up and his eyes immediately move to our hands. I get a small smile on my face as he frowns.

"Sure!" Kate replies. Max smiles and pulls me towards the line. Everyone else follows.

"I know Daniel brought her to make you jealous. Let's make him jealous" Max whispers into my ear, as they all line up after us. I grin to Max, liking how close we've become.

When it's our turn, we all take a seat. You can sit with 4 people next to each other, so Joelle sits down next to me, as Femke and Sebastian sit with Daniel and Kate, behind us. When we are secured in our seat, Max grabs my hand again. I smile at him, knowing Daniel is able to see us.

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