Chapter 29

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The alarm sounds through the room, making 2 people groan. Myself and Daniel. Daniel slowly moves to turn the alarm off and looks at me.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" he says, making me smile brightly.

"Good morning handsome" I reply, causig Daniel to smile as well. He leans in and kisses me softly.

"Do you want to shower first or am I going to shower first?" I ask Daniel. He grins, making me raise my eyebrow. He then just chuckles.

"You go first. You have to do all that makeup stuff" Daniel says. I nod and kiss his cheek, before getting out of bed.


Daniel and I are fully ready now, both in our normal clothes. We will change into the lederhosen when the drivers parade starts.

I'm still not happy about it, but oh well. Even Daniel and Max are going to wear it, during the drivers parade. And lederhosen are on their race suits.

When I want to walk out of Daniel's room to go downstairs, he pulls me back, smashing his lips onto mine. I kiss back without hesitation. I feel a smile creeping onto Daniel's face. It causes me to have the same reaction.

"What was that for?" I ask when we pull away.

"I won't be able to do that for the rest of the day, it was my only chance" he says. I smile at him.

"I'll come to give you a good luck kiss, don't worry" I say, making sure he leaves the hotel room with a big smile on his face.

We are standing in the lobby, waiting for Max and Joelle.

"Good morning" I look up to see Christian. We both smile at him.

"Good morning. Are you travelling with us?" Daniel asks. Christian nods with a smile.

"Are you excited for the race?" Christian asks.

"I'm excited for the lederhosen" Daniel says, while grinning. Christian laughs, but I just glare at him.

"There's the dream team!" Max's voice sounds. He walks towards us and smiles brightly. He greets Christian as well.

"Joelle forgot something, she's on her way" Max says, af if he suddenly remembered it. We all nod, leaning against a wall.

"Oh, Christian? Can Sienna come to the grid today?" Daniel asks. Christian frowns for about two seconds before he starts smiling.

"Sure!" he answers. Daniel smiles widely, looking at me. I smile back, kissing his cheek quickly.

"I'm here!" and that's Joelle. Evy appears from the lift as well, making me hug her right away.


I am standing in the ugly ass lederhosen in Max's garage.

"You look lovely, Sienna" Femke says. I roll my eyes, seeing her in the same outfit.

"We look dreadfull" I mumble, causing her to laugh.

"Sebastian thought I looked nice in them" Femke says, a bright smile on her face. I smile as well, loving the relationship they have.

"It's grid time!" Max yells, coming out in his race suit. When I see his racesuit, I actually start to like the effort Red Bull puts into this weekend, for their fans.

"I'll see you there, don't crash the car on your way" I say to Max. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"I'll be carefull" he says. I nod and watch him put on his helmet. He gets in the car and before I know it, he's out.
Daniel's car drives past as well.

"Sienna! You coming?" Christian yells at me from outside the garage. I nod and run to him. Christian did allow me to wear my own shoes, which I waa really gratefull for.

We walk onto the grid and walk to Daniel's starting position. Team members are setting up all sorts of things. I just lean against the wall, waiting for him to appear.

I see various cars move past me towards their starting position. He is starting from 5th. Max from 8th.

I then see the Red Bull car coming into sight. The team is pushing him towards his place. When he is in the right place, he gets out. His head engineer takes his to talk, and Daniel tries to concentrate, but I see his eyes move to me from time to time.

"Hi, Sienna!" I look up and see Martin Brundle, from SkySports in front of me. I remember that he does those grid interviews.

"Hi!" I reply, trying to sound my happiest.

"Can I ask you some questions?" Martin asks. I nod, feeling Daniel's eyes on me.

"First of all, looking great!" he says while laughing.

"Thank you, I appreciate it" I say with a smile on my face as well.

"A little birdie told me that you are dating our favorite Australian, but seeing you stand here confirms it. Who are you more nervous for now?"

"To be honest, both equaly as much. Max is my best friend right now and he is special to me, and Daniel is my boyfriend, so yeah, nervous for both"

"I can imagine. Do you like watching the races?"

"I do, most of the time. When it's a bad race, I don't really like it. Like Monaco, I hated that race" I admit, making Martin laugh. I suddenly feel a hand on my waist. I look up to see Daniel.

"Daniel! How are you feeling?"

"I'm good, really excited as well" Daniel answers.

"I gotta go to the front, but I'll be back in a minute" Daniel mumbles and kisses my cheek, before walking away. Martin follows him and I am left here.

I look around and see Femke at Max's car. I quickly make my way over there, standing next to her. Sebastian gives her a wink when he walks past. She giggles and smiles at me after.

"Excited?" I ask her. She nods her head.

"Yes. I really feel like Max can do a lot" Femke says, grabbing a sheet. On there is Max's head strategy and I see that it is different than Daniel's.

"I'd be great if Ferrari could fall behind, gives us a bigger chance as well" Femke mumbles. Right then, the national anthem starts and we both shut up.

After it's over, drivers start to come back. I see Sebastian walking past, quickly running to Femke to give her a quick kiss. Max then walks up and smiles brightly. I give him a hug and a kiss on his cheek.

"Good luck, Maxie" I tell him. He smiles at me, kissing my cheek. I then wave at Femke and walk back to Daniel's car.

His team members are putting the tyres on. Daniel is standing with Christian. They both smile at me when I get there.

"Where were you?" Daniel asks, a small smile on his face.

"Max, wanted to wish him luck as well" Daniel nods. He gets his balaclava and helmet pressed in his hands, signalling that it is almost time.

Daniel looks at me, remembering what I said to him this morning. I just giggle and step forward. I press my lips against his, and he quickly moves his arms, so he can hold me into place.

"Good luck, Dan" I tell him when we pull away. I know camera's are behind me, but I don't care right now.

"Thank you babe. I'll see you soon" he says and kisses my cheek. He then puts on his balaclava and Christian grabs my hand. He pulls me along to the pitwall.

"Do you wanna watch from here or the garage?" he asks. I smile brightly and stand next to him. He just chuckles and turns to the monitors in front of him.

For once, I'm actually really excited to watch the race. I have a good feeling.

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