Chapter 58

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After a whole day of travelling, we finally arrive in front of our hotel in Austin. I sigh in relief, feeling exhausted after that flight. The taxi driver takes our suitcase out the trunk and hands it to Daniel. Daniel pays him and he smiles brightly at us when Daniel gives him a  tip.

"Enjoy your time in Austin" he tells us, before getting back in his car. Daniel takes the suitcase and wheels it inside, with me following him into the hotel. Daniel walks up to the front desk and the lady behind it smiles at him. She asks him something an he just turns around and looks at me.

"I just realized I have no idea what you booked or something, so, you go" he says to me, grinning. I just shake my head and smile at the lady.

"Good afternoon. How can I help you?" she asks me, with a smile on her face.

"Hi. I made a reservation on the name Ricciardo" I tell her and I can see Daniel grinning from the corner of my eye.

"Alright. Can I have a passport from either one of you, please?" she asks me and I hand her Daniel's, as it's on his name. She seems to check his details and hands it back to me.

"You're staying for two weeks, is that right?" she asks me and I just nod. She starts to get some key cards ready, before she hands them over.

"You're room is on the 10th floor. Just take the elevator up and go right. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them" she says, smiling at me. Daniel then stands next to me, to take over the key cards.

"Enjoy your stay, mrs and mr Ricciardo" she says. Daniel just grins at her, taking my hand in his. Daniel thanks her, before pulling me to the elevator. I can't help but smile.

"Let's get to our room, mrs Ricciardo" Daniel says, a huge grin on his face. I giggle and give his cheek a kiss. We arrive on the 10th floor and Daniel practically runs to our room. He opens it and waits for me to arrive as well. His eyes widen when he realizes I didn't just book a normal room, but a suite.

"Why did you do this?" he just asks, turning to me. I just smile at him, pulling him in a hug. Daniel's arms immediately move around my waist, holding me close to him.

"You do so much for me, I wanted to do something nice for us as well. So I told Red Bull we didn't need the room they had booked for us" I tell Daniel. He pulls away from the hug, looking at me.

"You really didn't have to do this. I would've been fine with staying in a freaking closet"

"I know. But you deserve some effort from me as well. And stop whining" I say, making Daniel chuckle. He pulls me in for a kiss, holding me close to him.

"You do have to admit, her using my name for you, it sounded nice" Daniel mumbles as we pull away. I feel myself blushing slightly, as I allow myself to think about having Daniel's last name.

"It does. But it sounds slightly weird as well, don't you think?" Daniel just nods, but keeps the smile on his face. He opens the suitcase and lays it down. We both get ready for bed, brushing our teeth, me taking off my make-up. When I walk out of the bathroom, Daniel is already laying in bed, on his phone.

When I lay down next to him, he moves his phone a bit, in a way that makes it impossible for me to look at his phone. I frown slightly, hoping he isn't keeping anything from me.

"Since when can't I look at your phone?" I ask Daniel. He just grins at me, kissing my head, without answering. I sigh and curl up next to Daniel.

"Babe?" I look up at Daniel, who is looking down at me.

"Do you want to lay your head on my chest?" he asks, a small smile on his face. I nod my head, making his smile grow a little. He moves down a bit, so I can lay my head on his chest. I close my eyes, feeling his arm move around me. He kisses the top of my head once again, before I fall into a peacefull sleep.

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