Chapter 11

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"And then he said that he'll be haunting me" I say, taking a zip from my tea.

"Haunting you?! What the hell?" Evy yells, looking confused as hell. I just giggle, nodding my head.

Right after I got home, I skyped Evy. Daniel left me so confused, after telling me he was going to be haunting me.

"Would you have kissed him at that party, though?" she asks me. I just stare at my laptop screen.

"I don't really know. I was drunk, but somewhere in the back of my head, I think I really wanted to. But if I think about it, I am glad it didn't happen" I say.

"Why? You know you like Daniel like that" Evy says, frowning at me. I sigh heavily, not even understanding myself.

"I know, but I don't know if I actually want to be with him. Can I please remind you that a couple of days ago, he had a girlfriend. A horrible one, may I add" I say, making Evy chuckle.

"But, you can always give it a try" she says. I shake my head immediately.

"I can't. He hurt me so bad in the past. I want to fully focus on me and my job" I say to her, making her nod her head. I atleast convinced her. I don't know if I convinced myself. I do like Daniel, but after everyhing that had happened, I can't just give in to him.

"Just try to avoid him as much as possible then" Evy says. I nod, knowing she is right, but it will be hard. Ignoring Daniel is not my strongest quality.

"Enough about this. How is life?" I ask her, wanting to get my mind off of this. Evy starts talking about her life, and halfway through I realize I'm not even processing the thing the says. I can't concentrate on anything she is saying. I keep thinking about that one sentence he said.

And baby, I'll be haunting you.


I walk around the Factory, on my way to my office. I am first going to stop at Christian's office. After coming back to reality yesterday, Evy told me that she has to do an internship for her study. She is doing the same study as I have done, communications. I got an idea that I have not told Evy about yet.

I knock onto Christian's door as he calls me in. He smiles when he sees me.

"Sienna, how can I help you?" he asks me. I smile at him as I take a seat in front of his desk. I cross my legs, sitting up right.

"I was wondering if you provide internships?" I ask him. He frowns, not really understanding why I'm asking.

"It depends, why?"

"Well, I have a friend from Australia and she is studying communications and she has to do an internship. I was wondering if she could maybe do it here, so she can help me out and I can help her with her study. I understand if it isn't possible but when she told me she had to do it, I thought about how good it would be for her" I explain, praying he will say yes. Off course it's good for Evy, but I miss her and it would be awesome to have her with me.

"For how long is it?" he asks.

"Half a year" I answer, feeling as if my chances become less with that answer. 6 months is a long time for someone to be working for us and not have a degree.

"What did you have in mind for her? Like what will she be doing?" Christian asks. He seems to be really considering it, which makes me happy.

"Well, at first, she'll just be looking at what I do and maybe later she could plan maybe Max's interviews. I was actually just going to see what you thought was possible" I say.

Haunting - Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now